Archives for December 2014

After the Wedding: Thank Top-Notch Vendors


Mother of the Bride, as your daughter’s wedding day unfolds, you will notice which vendors really shine in carrying out their roles. Hopefully they’ll all do a wonderful job, but chances are one or two will disappoint. On the other hand, one or two will amaze. And those are the ones that will make your day.

So when a vendor does a top-notch job and goes above and beyond what you expected, why not send him or her a thank you note in the days following the wedding? Why not return the blessing? I guarantee you will make her day with your thoughtful gesture. After all, words of appreciation keep us all encouraged and motivated to do our best, no matter the work we do, right?

Here’s the note I sent the cake baker who not only crowned our daughter Kristin’s wedding reception with a taste of heaven but surprised us with a beautiful visual touch to all of our tables as well:

Emeline, I just had to drop you a note to thank you for the absolutely wonderful job you did on the cakes for Kristin and Shawn’s wedding. They were beautiful and out-of-this-world delicious! I also so appreciated the fresh flower petals you sprinkled around on the tables—that was such a special unexpected surprise. It added so much to the beauty of the tables. Thanks for going out of your way to do that for us!

God blessed in so many ways to help us have a wonderful wedding celebration, and you were one of those blessings.

Thanks again!
Cheryl Barker

Not only did my note bless this vendor (she sent an email thank you for the thank you that same day), but it gave her another name she could add with confidence to her list of references. Remember, giving a glowing report when asked about a vendor’s services is another terrific way to keep showing your appreciation in the future.

Even though you may be ready to close the books, MOB, on your wedding responsibilities as soon as you pull away from the reception venue, take a moment to thank those who helped make your baby girl’s big day extra special. It’s your turn to bless them!

*You might also like to read Time-Saving Tip: Insider Info from Vendors.

*Be sure to throw your name in the hat for my “Playing Santa Again” Giveaway on my home page. Deadline to enter is 6 p.m. CST this Wednesday.

*Flickr photo by Virginia L., Creative Commons License

“Playing Santa Again” Giveaway!

early snowYes, dear blog readers, it’s that merry time of year again! If you’ve followed my blog through a few holiday seasons by now, you already know that I love to play Santa—with my family and also here on the blog. Wish I could surprise each one of you with a little gift, but alas, we’ll have to settle for a giveaway with one lucky yuletide winner.

In some of my giveaways this year I’ve had fun offering hand-made products from my very own blog readers, and the “Playing Santa Again” Giveaway is a perfect opportunity to do so once again.

This time I’m happy to feature the work of studio artist Jana Botkin (see photos above and below). You may remember that I’ve featured Jana’s photography during one of my Summer Photo Fun segments here on the blog, but her art work is the star of the show today. You can read more about Jana in my Summer Photo Fun: Artist Jana Botkin post.

The winner of the “Playing Santa Again” Giveaway will win a $20 credit towards any purchase from Jana’s website. If you win, you may want to select some of her beautiful note cards or use the winnings to help buy one of her pencil drawings or oil paintings. I hope you will all go over to her site and check out her work.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post by 6 p.m. next Wednesday, December 10th. If I don’t know you personally or cannot contact you via your website or blog, be sure to include your email address (such as cheryl at cherylbarker dot net). It’s not required for the giveaway, but to make it more fun, tell us which piece on Jana’s website especially caught your attention. One of my favorites is the Early Snow drawing above.

I’ll announce the winner of the “Playing Santa Again” Giveaway in next Thursday’s Midweek Morsel post. May you all enjoy a glorious holiday season—starting right here with Jana’s beautiful art work!

“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA*Photos compliments of Jana Botkin.

*Would so appreciate your continued prayers for my husband Don as he slowly recovers from the injuries he received to his spine when he fell from a ladder. I can certainly use your prayers, too, as I care for him and try to keep up with life in general. Thank you!

Bridal Portraits: Include Some Artsy Shots


Classic bridal portraits are among some of the most beautiful you’ll ever have of your daughter, Mother of the Bride, but to jazz things up a little, make sure some artsy shots are taken, too.

Check with your daughter and see if that sounds good to her and ask if any specific ideas come to mind. Don’t fail to jot them down. You know how important lists are to the MOB brain!

Let your photographer know that you’d like some artsy shots included in the bridal portrait shoot—don’t expect him or her to be a mind-reader. Ask him to check out the bridal portrait venue when he arrives, looking specifically for spots where artsy shots could be taken. If he is familiar with the venue, he may already have some tricks up his sleeve where artsy shots are concerned. The shot above with the piano was perfect for my daughter Kelli since she can play piano.

Encourage the photographer to have fun with black and white and other filters to see what cool effects can be achieved. Even the slightest variation in color intensity can make a big difference in a finished photo.

So MOB, suggest adding artsy to classic at the bridal portrait shoot. Everyone will be glad you did!

*You might also like to read Bridal Portrait Idea: Fun with Sunglasses, Bridal Portrait Idea: A Mirror Shot, Bridal Portrait Idea: Windows Plus Great Light, and Bridal Portrait Idea: Watching for the Groom.

*Photo by Will Flowers

Making our December Hopes Come True

4179976696_45e0b2e5b8_z*Sure would appreciate your continued prayers for my husband as he recovers from his injury and for me as I care for him. Thankfully, I had a few posts pre-written. Hope you enjoy this one I wrote before life went crazy for us. God bless your month of December!

As December dawns today, I wonder how many of us have thought about our hopes for this month of Christmas celebration before us. Do we hope for a slower pace and less obligations? Do we dream of more moments to reflect on the wonder of the season and more time to simply enjoy being with family and friends?

Chances are we all have a vision of how we’d like the month to go, but I would venture to say that by a few jam-packed days before Christmas each year, most of us can be heard saying, “Next year I’m going to do things differently. Next year I’m going to _____________.” You fill in the blank.

So how can we avoid being carried along by the swirl of holiday activity and actually move closer to our hopes for a peaceful and joyful Christmas season? Here are a few strategies we can try to see our December hopes come true:

1. First, identify your hopes for the season. Jot them down. Having them in writing will help them be a guiding force throughout the month. These will be specific to you and your situation. We may have some hopes that are the same, but we will also have some that are different.

2. Share your December hopes with God and ask for his help. Tell him your desires and ask him to give you wisdom in making choices. Ask him to bless your efforts to do things differently this year.

3. Share your hopes for the season with your spouse or a friend as well—accountability can help keep you on track. Just as writing down your hopes helps guide your decisions and activities to follow, telling someone else your desires also helps you stay committed to a plan of action.

4. With calendar in hand, take a realistic look at the demands of the month and determine your priorities. Make decisions based on what will move you closer to your vision for how you’d like your Christmas season to go.

5. When others are making plans that impact you, speak up for less stress and/or work—or simply opt out and say no.  Don’t allow others to pressure you into doing things that will derail your efforts to celebrate the season in the way that is best for you and your family.

Let’s try these (and other) strategies this holiday season and see if we don’t come closer to achieving our December hopes this year. Let’s try to avoid that same old next-year song we inevitably sing during those last few days before Christmas each year. Let’s make our December hopes come true!

“[Wisdom’s] ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.” Proverbs 3:17-18

*What are some of your December hopes this year?

*Flickr photo by Joe Buckingham, Creative Commons License