The Hope of Heaven

5778017519_bedafb19ed_zWhat does Easter weekend hold for you this year? Ours will be starting differently than ever before. Sadly, Don’s Aunt Ruth (his dad’s sister) passed away a few days ago, and we’ll be attending a funeral on Good Friday. As we talked about it the other day, we realized that this will be a first for both of us.

We, of course, think about death each year on Good Friday as we remember Christ’s death on the cross, but never before have we said “good-bye” to someone on this special day of remembrance. One might think that sadness would be multiplied, but on the contrary, I think the hope of heaven will shine ever brighter as we remember how Christ paid the penalty for our sins so that we can spend eternity in heaven with Him if we’ll believe in Him and ask Him to be our Savior.

Yes, there will be sadness at saying “good-bye” that day, especially for Aunt Ruth’s children and grandchildren, but O how great is the comfort, the joy, in knowing that she is already at home with the Lord. The comfort in knowing that for all who believe there awaits a great reunion. The comfort of heaven. The comfort of a Father, a Friend.

This Friday, as you remember with sadness the ultimate sacrifice the Lamb of God made on our behalf, may you also rejoice at the hope His perfect sacrifice birthed in our world and in our hearts. May the hope of heaven shine ever brighter for you this Easter weekend!

“‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'” John 3:16

Flickr photo by Sean MacEntee, Creative Commons License

**Update on Don’s mom — amazingly, her kidney function continues to improve! She, of course, is still considered to be in renal failure, but she is doing better! We joke that she is our Energizer Bunny — she just keeps going and going! :)


  1. Up from the grave He arose
    With a mighty triumph o’re His foes.
    He arose the Victor of the dark domain.
    And He lives forever with His saints to reign.

    He arose! He arose! Halelujah!
    Christ arose.

    Praise the Lord of the Resurrection! Because He lives we shall live also.


  2. Hi Cheryl, thank you for your warm easter message on my blog yesterday.

    I’m glad your husband’s mom is doing better. I’m very sorry to hear of his aunt but I rejoice in knowing she is with the LORD. Praise GOD!

    May the peace, comfort and peace of our LORD rest with each of you.

    Blessed Resurrection Sunday to you!

  3. Sorry for the family’s loss, in praise over Don’s mother.

  4. You never know what will speak to someone when they read your posts. Five words brought me to tears — “the comfort of a Father.” Oh, Cheryl. Yes. That’s it. My prayer is that Father God will be a comfort to Aunt Ruth’s family during this time of celebration of her home-going.

    Much love.

  5. Thanks, ladies, for your sweet messages and comforting thoughts. I appreciate each one!

  6. Cheryl,
    Easter blessings to you. I hope you bask in the glory of the day.

    Thank God for the improvement of Don’s mother!

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