I hate to admit it, but I’ve reached a new high in being made to feel old. Believe it or not, this weekend Kristin and Shawn were home to attend her 10-year high school reunion. If I’m not mistaken, this new milestone is even making her feel older. Maybe I should tell her to try being the parents of someone who’s been out of high school for 10 years, though. Now that’s old :)
Not only has this event made me feel every bit of my 50+ years, it’s made me feel nostalgic, too. Yesterday morning before Kristin and Shawn took off for their first reunion activity, we started talking about things like trouble with lockers and the first day of high school. Before we knew it, it felt like the first day of school. I was snapping pictures of Kristin while she tried to speed Shawn along with hurried pleas of “Come on, Shawn! The tour starts in five minutes — I don’t want to be late!” I caught a glimpse of that little girl nervousness on her face that I’ve seen so many times over the years. There she was — my little girl headed off to school once again.
I’ll spare you a detailed walk down my memory lane, but you can imagine how a milestone event like this in my daughter’s life triggered memories of other big moments we’ve witnessed and shared with her. You’ve probably experienced most of them with your kids, too. Their first steps, first days of school, the dreaded driver’s license that we eventually discover spells freedom for us, graduations, watching them leave home, landing that first big job, and finally giving them up to the love of their lives to start a new family… Anyone sighing with me about now? Our kids may get older, but they never outgrow our love, do they?
This crazy, deep, devoted love that parents have for their children — where does it come from? My guess is from the Author of love Himself, also a devoted Father. God has told us, “‘I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters…'” (2 Corinthians 6:18). I love the fact that God is my Father, that He loves me even more than I love my daughters. On one hand, that’s hard to imagine because I know how deeply I love them. On the other, I know He is God and loves me with a depth I can’t even comprehend.
I don’t know if God ever feels older as He watches His children grow older, but I bet He feels nostalgic at times. I’m sure He recalls with love the milestones and the “firsts” in our lives — and He probably has a few more on His list than we do. Chances are, as He thinks of us, He looks back and breathes a sigh as He remembers the day we gave Him our hearts and began calling Him Lord and Savior, or maybe He recalls the first time we trusted Him to provide for us or the first time we placed our future in His hands. And don’t you think he loves to remember the times we started sharing our faith with others or serving “the least of these”?
What are you feeling nostalgic about today? Go ahead and give in to it for a few minutes. You’ll be in good company.
“I remember the days of long ago…” Psalm 143:5a
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Blogging Blessings
I missed my anniversary! Not my wedding anniversary (thank goodness), but my blog-iversary. I meant to mark it here in some way, but the day blew by without me giving it even a momentary thought. I guess I was too caught up in telling you about the writers conference. Today I will rectify my oversight and celebrate the blog :)
One year ago on September 17th, I plunged into the world of blogging. What began as a way to grow as a writer and become more visible to readers blossomed into so much more. With the first post, I caught a glimpse of the incredible ministry potential the blog afforded, and that immediately expanded my purpose and vision for it. Now God has blessed by allowing those first goals to become a natural outgrowth of my desire and efforts to refresh spirits and nourish souls. Isn’t He good?!
Blogging, as with any of my writing, allows me the amazing privilege of touching hearts and lives. My statcounter gives me a peek into how far-reaching that can be at times. During this past year, I have had hits from 28 foreign countries, from Canada to Peru to Bangladesh. Here at home, 43 of 50 states have been represented, along with Washington, D.C.. If you know anyone in Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, North Dakota, Vermont, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island, send them my link. By my second anniversary, it would be fun to claim all 50 :)
I have met new people as they have breezed through my blog and left comments, and I’ve also made some new friends who stop by again and again. The blog helps me stay more connected to those of you I already know as well. It makes me day when readers leave comments — we writers thrive on feedback, you know :)
And speaking of comments, one change I think I should make in this second year of blogging is how often I comment back to comments :) Since writers spend a lot of time at the computer as it is, I need to streamline my computer time where I can. I love your comments so keep them coming, please. They bless me and also add to the blog. Just know that I’ll be trying to resist the urge to reply to every single person :) I will still be commenting from time to time but want to allow myself the freedom to do it as I have time or see a need.
And now to celebrate my first blog-iversary, let me say “woo-hoo!” and “thank you” for being a part of my blogging family. I echo the words of Paul, Silas, and Timothy as they said to the Thessalonians, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…” (1 Thes. 2:8).
Here’s to another year of sharing our lives — be blessed!
*Flickr photo by pebblechen