"Back At It" Giveaway!

While students and teachers (my husband included) are immersed in back-to-school activities, it’s time for me to get back to the business of writing my usual style blog posts. Time for Photo Fun allowed me a much needed blog-writing break the past several weeks, but now it’s time to get back at it. And what better way to kick it off than with a giveaway?!

So…to celebrate school, books, writing, and learning, I’m offering the “Back At It” Giveaway — a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card to one lucky commenter. To be entered in the drawing, just leave a comment on this post by noon (CST) Aug. 29th. If I don’t know you personally or cannot contact you via your own blog, be sure to leave your email address in your comment or you won’t be eligible for the drawing.

To make it a little more fun, tell me what you’d like to buy with the gift card if you get the chance. Is there a particular book you’ve been wanting to read? Or maybe you’d like to get a new journal or pick up a few magazines you don’t normally treat yourself to. What would it be? Go ahead and dream — you might be the winner! :)

While I’m busy getting back at it here on the blog, what do you need to get back at? Maybe your exercise program or healthier eating? Maybe some of those New Year’s resolutions or goals? Sometimes there are things in our spiritual lives that we need to get back at as well. Time in God’s Word, prayer, serving, loving… Whatever it is, now is a good time to start. Let’s get back at it together!

“And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13

*Flickr photo by striatic, Creative Commons License


  1. yeah, I get to play first.

    What to buy with $15?????

    Um, I’ve bought a ton of research books lately, probably time to buy a comparable novel. Probably the 2nd and maybe 3rd of the M. L. Tyndall Charles Towne Belles series.

  2. There are a ton of books I’m dying to read. I still haven’t read Atlas Shrugged.. But I’d probably buy a book for my daughter. She loooovvvesss me to read to her.

  3. I have several Tracie Peterson books I want to add to my collection :)

  4. books for the new baby! books for the new baby!! :)

  5. Most likely books for my girl!

  6. I have sooo many books on my list, so I would probably just buy the first one I found on my list.

  7. Julie Cowles says

    Oh, I love Barnes and Noble! I love just browsing through the books. I made a personal goal this year to read 75 books. Right now I have read 50, so I am well on my way to finishing that goal!

  8. Most likely something for one of my grandkids. :) We were actually in Barnes & Noble Friday night with Emmalyse. Both Keith and Emmalyse got something.

  9. Well, I’d love to buy a few new books for my daughter… the Junie B. Jones series in particular. We’ve finally hit upon something that interests her and the author is very funny!

    As to getting back to it, I need to dust off my WIP that I finished in March. My recent season dictates that I add some more words. Now, for the energy and “want to” to do so.


  10. I would either buy an Atlas or a book on Texas birds.

  11. I need to get back at writing on a somewhat regular schedule! The kids go back to school in two weeks so that is my upcoming goal. I also need to get at painting the trim around the windows we just had installed.

    I don’t know what I’d buy at Barnes and Noble, but to go in with enough money to buy a book or two is a blissful thought.

  12. I have no idea what I would buy at Barnes and Noble. I would have to browse a little. I have to get back at my exercise routine. Summer activities since the wedding have slowed me down.

  13. There are so many things I need to “get back at”, I feel overwhelmed a lot lately! My own blog is very, very neglected as well!

    I believe I would buy a fancy bookmark, one of those ones with the pretty beads on it, and I would get a new mystery book to read (and break in the new bookmark!)

  14. Just stopping by while on a “check-um out blog tour” & saw your give-away. It would be such good timing to be chosen.

    Using Illustory*, I’m going to help my gr’son write a book about his family’s early August evacuation due to a forest fire. (Was scary. They are safe at home now.)

    So I’d use the gift card to buy him a children’s book called You Can Write a Story to encourage & help him.

    Thanks for the offer.

    * Illustory prints it as a 12 page hardback book.

  15. I love Barnes and Noble- I am looking for the new Karen Kingsbury book, I also would love a new journal for my up coming bible study this fall at church, there are so many fun things at B&N to choose from. email is momneverstops@wi.rr.com

  16. I’ve been wanting to buy some new books!!! This is a great giveaway!

  17. Probably a book about raising boys!! Since Baby Boy arrives in December and we are spending our holidays at home, it might be good to read up a little!!

    My other choice would be “A Mother’s Hope” by Francine Rivers..I hear its good and the start of a trilogy.

  18. I would buy either book on organization or parenting. I’m on my mission of becoming a (more improved) Proverbs 31 woman……
    Once there I might get sucked into another Karen Kingsbury book. She is a Christain author and I just love her writing!

    I love to read and learn new things so any book would do!

    Great giveaway!

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