A Giving Dad

My husband Don is a giving dad. Here he is pictured with our firstborn, Kristin. He’s been giving since the day she was born, and when Kelli came along, the giving simply doubled. Do you know a dad like that?

To celebrate Don and all the other giving dads out there among us, I’d like to share a poem I submitted to Blue Mountain Arts last year, but they declined to use. I haven’t had any luck selling a “husband” piece to them yet but would still like to share the message, so why not on the blog? So here you go, Don — for you!

Happy Father’s Day, Dear Husband

You’re a dad who always puts
his kids first…

Honey, it hasn’t gone unnoticed
I’ve seen it time and again,
The unselfish decisions you make
The choices that show your love.
You set aside your personal desires
To meet the needs of our kids,
If you must choose one or the other
You always choose for them.
And when it comes to extras—
The treats, the things that will bless,
I see your generous spirit swell
As you desire to give again.
Nothing makes you happier
Than to somehow give them joy,
Than to watch their eyes light up,
To help make their dreams come true.
The thing you may not realize, though,
Is something I plainly see,
You yourself are gift enough—
A dad who chooses unselfishly.

With All My Love Today and Always

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us…” 1 John 3:1a

*My photo


  1. Really nice, Cheryl, and so true…not only with your kids is Don the best…but with all the kids! Happy Father’s Day, Don!

  2. Dad, I’ve always known how generous you are, but the older I get, the more and more I understand how unselfish and giving you are! Thanks for providing a great role model of hard work and giving unconditionally. Hopefully I will follow in your footsteps. I love you!

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