You may be thinking, Angel Tree already? It’s barely mid-October… True, but this is when the initial work begins for the church coordinators.
Since this is my first year as coordinator, I actually started my preparations even earlier. The past couple of weeks, I’ve been reading my packet of info and going through the box of materials left behind by my friend Amy who died in a tragic car accident in May. Her love for and ability in carrying out Angel Tree leave some mighty big shoes to fill. I’m happy to report, though, that I won’t be filling them on my own.
It just so happens that Angel Tree is one of the areas where our church family shines. Making Angel Tree a success takes an enormous amount of volunteers, and I am recruiting even more to do many of the tasks Amy managed on her own. All I had to do was mention the needs this past week to the ladies in my Bible study group, and several offered their services on the spot.
What a blessing to see the body of Christ at work, pulling together and functioning like God intends. And I’m just seeing the tip of the iceberg right now. The volunteers will really start rolling in when it comes time to buy the gifts and then wrap and deliver them. I’ve seen folks from every age group get in on the action. There’s something for everyone to do where Angel Tree is concerned.
So as I’m gearing up and hopefully getting the initial letters out to the caregivers in the next few days, what is your church gearing up for? Is there a ministry where your church family, as the body of Christ, shines? Tell us about it. It’s always a blessing to hear how the body of Christ is at work!
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…” Romans 12:4-6a
I am so thankful for all of you who volunteer for Angel Tree, you are truly Christ’s hands and feet on earth.
Thanks so much, Annette. Amazing how many differnt ministries — and people — God uses to reach hurting people around the world…