Relish the Moment

5186443909_d26eacd4d3_zIn a recent blog post, writer and blogger Jeff Goins encouraged fellow writers to really take in our surroundings and relish moments, to let them inspire us and shape our writing. But even for those who aren’t writers, that’s still pretty good advice, huh? Be in the moment, be inspired, and let that refreshed perspective fuel whatever it is you might be doing.

Jeff finished his post by suggesting a writing exercise—to stop whatever we were doing and notice our surroundings, to spend a few minutes writing about whatever was around us. I took up his challenge to relish the moment and thought I would share the result with you. I hope it will inspire you to relish moments of your own and then let that inspiration spill out into other areas of your life. Let’s live our moments, friends!

A Weekend Moment

I’m at my desk, early morning shafts of light shining through the blinds, leaving their reflection on the nearby wall. A train whistles in the distance. I love that sound.

My husband’s on-again off-again snoring makes it past the bedroom wall. Truth be told, I’m not crazy about that sound. But it’s part of our lives, and we live with it.

Four stacks of papers look back at me from my desk. Projects in process or waiting to be done. Some needing a simple read-through, others needing heavy work or development. Always more ideas and projects than time.

Pictures of loved ones look back at me as well, filling me with gratitude for the love we share. Making me wish my grown up girls were here this weekend. Hoping they are enjoying life today.

The duties of the day nudge. Time to move on. These quiet moments are so important, though, especially the ones with my God. Time to go meet with Him on my back porch, to soak in His beauty, His love, His care.

“’Be still, and know that I am God . . . ‘” Psalm 46:10a

*Are you willing to take up the challenge? Stop whatever you’re doing and notice your surroundings. Relish the moment. And then why not tell us about it? It will be fun! :)

*Flickr photo by Sheila in Moonducks, Creative Commons License


  1. Love the sound of a train as well, Cheryl. Love the early morning light as it creeps in. So important we capture these moments; they slip so quickly by and mostly without notice. Thank you for the reminder. Would love to know what projects you’re working on…


  2. Cheryl,

    That was fun to be able to picture you and your surroundings for a moment there. Thank you. It’s a good writing exercise. I do that whenever I start my journal entries. I like the reminder and shot in the arm here by his post and seeing yours. Thanks.

    Have a great week!

    Jennifer Dougan

  3. Elaine, my biggest project in process is a book for mothers of the bride — not a tip book, but a gift book of reflections designed to pamper them and refresh their spirits. I’m working on new material (slowly but surely — I am a slow writer!) as well as revising chapters after getting critique.

    As far as other projects, I’ve got a stack of pieces to revamp and send off whenever I can find the time, and I have also been working on my newsletter that will come out the first of November. I need to write a batch of submissions before the next Blue Mountain Arts holiday deadline and also would like to get my annual Christmas poem written by early-mid November.
    And blogging is an ongoing project for me, especially since I’m a slow writer!

    I even have a Bible study that I’ve started for writers but just have not been able to give it the attention it needs. I’ll never get my MOB book done if I keep trying to do so many things. Good grief :)

  4. I find that Fall simply screams to be heard & seen. Everywhere I go there are Maples bursting in color, and boasting their particular yellow or red or orange. The smells, too. Sometimes you just can’t deny a surrounding so rich is it’s scent.

    Such worthy thoughts, Cheryl … AND, I love the picture!

  5. What a great exercise. My surroundings are always so “lively” that I often forget to fully take in the scene.

  6. Kathleen and Kirsten, so glad you both enjoyed the post!

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