Anyone else ready to kick off Christmas—the season of rejoicing—in song? If so, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve often celebrated the yuletide season here on the blog by inviting you to join in a favorite Christmas carol, and I’d love to do that again this year. No better way to welcome the season of rejoicing, right?
As always, I encourage you to sing all the verses of the carol and to consider its words with fresh eyes. As you do, you’ll find a wealth of treasure in its message and your spirit will soar in worship of the One whose birthday we celebrate this month.
This year let’s raise our voices together in worship as we sing “Good Christian Men, Rejoice.” It has become a favorite of mine in recent years as I sing it during my own personal worship times. I think you’ll understand why as you refresh your memory with its message.
So join me, friends—the season of rejoicing is here! Let’s rejoice together!
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice;
Give ye heed to what we say:
News! news!
Jesus Christ is born today!
Ox and ass before Him bow,
And He is in the manger now:
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!
Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice;
Now ye hear of endless bliss:
Joy! joy!
Jesus Christ was born for this!
He has opened heaven’s door,
And man is blessed evermore:
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!
Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice;
Now ye need not fear the grave:
Peace! peace!
Jesus Christ was born to save!
Calls you one and calls you all
To gain His everlasting hall:
Christ was born to save!
Christ was born to save!
(Latin carol, 14th century; translated by John M. Neale)
“‘. . . my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,’” Luke 1:47
*What Christmas carols help you ring in the season?
Love that song, Cheryl. Last year, I posted a video of a family of siblings who sang it a cappella. I’ll have to look for that again. Blessings on your Christmas!
I love it, too, Tracy. It has become a real favorite of mine. Thanks for dropping by — and blessings on your Christmas season too!
Never read or sung any but the first verse. Thank you,it was wonderful!
You’re welcome, Georgia! The other verses hold a wonderful message indeed, don’t they? And that’s true with so many Christmas carols and hymns. Thanks so much for dropping by!