The power of love is more than a clichéd phrase, isn’t it? What God does in our lives through the power of love is nothing short of astounding. In fact, when love enters the picture, everything can change.
Forgiveness is one of the most amazing and God-empowered expressions of love we can give or receive. Consider the following lines of verse from Jane Merchant:
“I do not say that there were no
Misunderstandings, discontents,
And hurts. I would it had been so . . .
But these we learned to live above.
I do not say there were no hurts.
I say they mattered less than love.”
And that’s the power of love—when hurts matter less and love matters more. May love reign supreme and be the rule in all of our lives!
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
*When have you seen love matter more?
*Flickr photo by digital-dreams, Creative Commons License
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“I may speak in different languages of people or even angels. But if I do not have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal.” I often read the words of 1Corinthians: 13. They beautifully illustrate what true love is, and I often need to be reminded that true love is humble and forgiving. Thanks for this little post to remind us that love matters more than anything.
Mairead, thanks so much for reminding us of those words from 1 Corinthians. Fits in beautifully with the whole theme of “love matters more”. Thanks for sharing!