Outfits of Beauty

Outfits of Beauty

Beauty dresses in countless ways
With outfits never the same.
Sometimes she sweeps across the skies
With heaven’s own hues unfurled,
Other times she drapes the landscape
In breath-taking mountains majestic.
But sometimes beauty comes up close
Approaching on butterfly wings,
Granting a glance at her delicate side
Displaying miraculous design.
No end can be found
To the outfits of beauty
They’re as infinite as their Creator,
And He shares them all
With all of us—
His gift dressed in countless ways.

“How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all . . .” Psalm 104:24a

*What outfits of beauty have you noticed lately?

*Photo by me! :)

*Don’t miss out on the “This One’s for the Girls Giveaway”! Deadline to enter is noon on Mother’s Day.

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  1. Beautiful…just like you!

  2. Awww, thank you, Vonda!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous prose, Cheryl! And so true! :0) Thank you for reminding me to stop and look at the beauty He has for me today!

  4. Beautiful poem and photo! Where did you take it?

  5. Elece, amazing shot of the caterpillar! Another outfit of beauty for sure :)

    Robbie & Kristin, thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed!

    Kristin, I took the photo at the gardens in Springfield — the ones we went to when Debbie was home last summer. One section of it attracted butterflies. Very beautiful.

  6. Without the Lord Jesus in our hearts, we’re ALL misfits, unfit for His heaven. Jesus thank you for your love and your grace that covers all of our unrighteousness, so that we may be found fit for Your heaven.

  7. I love the glistening dew on the grass of our field as the sun rises each morning. It’s the biggest blessing God freely gives at the dawn of each day:)

  8. Don, thanks for pointing out our outfits of beauty as believers. His righteousness — the most important outfit of all!

    Nancy, yes, the glistening dew! An amazing outfit of beauty!

  9. Beautiful words Cheryl. I have read them over and over. Thank you so much for this. Your butterfly picture is stunning. In a recent blogpost where I shared a butterfly photo I wrote “And sometimes when you pause a butterfly synchronizes his fluttering wings to the rhythm of your breathing; opens his wings, then suspends them for one solitary moment in time while you click, capturing nature’s sheer beauty.” You definitely captured sheer beauty in your shot.

  10. Mairead, thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem and the butterfly photo. So much fun to capture a shot like that, isn’t it? Love your words about butterflies as well! Have a wonderful week!

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