This past week as the tenth anniversary of 9/11 drew near, we’ve heard, seen, and read many reminders of that horrific time. I came across one that I think bears repeating here. I hope you will agree.
Woman’s Day Editor-In-Chief Elizabeth Mayhew introduced their September issue with a quote from an essay former First Lady Laura Bush wrote for their magazine on the first anniversary of the attacks. I love what Mrs. Bush had to say:
“You don’t have to walk into a burning building or wear a badge to rescue someone. You don’t have to go to medical school to help a person feel better, or walk on the moon to change this earth. You simply have to care about what happens in our country. To me, we can all honor the lives lost on September 11 by making our lives count even more.”
What great perspective Mrs. Bush offered back in 2002—and it’s still true today. Instead of feeling hopeless and helpless in the face of overwhelming times, we can make a difference. We can make our lives count. Sometimes we just need to think about it a bit and then become more intentional in our efforts.
So, what can we do to make things better for our nation? We can vote regularly in elections and volunteer through our churches and civic organizations when crises come or to help with ongoing projects. We can support our military and their families and volunteer at our communities’ schools. We can also recycle and try to incorporate other earth friendly practices in our lives. The possibilities abound.
On another note, we as Christians should be making our lives count for the Lord as well. We can grow closer to Him each day, becoming a beacon of hope and good news for those around us. We can live our faith in front of our families and friends in good times and bad, setting an example for our children. We can pray for and encourage others. We can get involved in mission projects and actively support missionaries. We can be ready to share the good news of a Savior as the Lord gives opportunity. Yes, we can make a difference eternally.
Let’s heed the wisdom Mrs. Bush offered on that first anniversary of 9/11. Let’s make our lives count even more.
“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42
*I’d love to hear more ideas about making our lives count. What else can we do to make a difference in our nation or for Christ?
*Flickr photo by włodi, Creative Commons License
what an excellent, excellent quote. it’s been a weekend of heavy emotion in our house. i can’t believe it’s been ten years.
What great advice. Every day God’s mercies are new. And every day we have a chance to live our lives as God has planned. We all get the same 24 hours. How will we choose to invest them?
It’s been an emotional day today, but God’s faithfulness never has and never will fail us.
Hi Cheryl,
I absolutely LOVE her statement…thanks for sharing it!
I think we often feel we have nothing to contribute because we’re not this or we’re not that. But all we need is a heart that cares, and hands that are ready to do the will of the Father.
I certainly care about what’s going on in our country, and I’ll try to do my little part in my neck of the woods! Together, we can make a huge difference.
Great words of wisdom to live by each day, no matter the circumstance.
Amen, Sisters! What a great quote. I am a firm believer that paying it forward will never steer you off the right path.
His name is PRESIDENT Bush!!!