Keep Praying, Please: An Adoption Update

Believe it or not, I haven’t been forgetting to update you about our daughter Kristin and son-in-law Shawn’s adoption efforts. I’ve just been waiting for the next big step in the process to get here. And praise be to God, it’s finally here!

Back in June, I asked you to pray (and keep on praying!) for Kristin and Shawn as they began pursuing adoption. Since then, they—and we—have found out what an indepth and lengthy process it is to be approved as adoptive parents by an adoption agency. I’m sure this is a necessary and good thing for the babies, but it can sure be frustrating and emotionally draining for adoptive parents and those of us who love them.

But now, the first big wait is over. Kristin and Shawn have been officially approved by their adoption agency! This means that a woman who wants to give her baby a better life will now have the chance to allow Kristin and Shawn to be her baby’s parents!

As you can imagine, our whole family is excited :) Parenthood for Kristin and Shawn (and grandparenthood for us!) feels within reach now, but we also realize that we could easily be on the front side of another long wait. So once again we have to trust God and know that his timing is perfect.

The long road getting to this point has definitely taught Kristin and Shawn—and us, too—some lessons about waiting and trusting in God. I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say we’re tired of learning lessons now, though, and are ready to move on to the blessing :)

If there are more lessons to be learned through this experience, however, before the blessing comes, it’s a comfort to know that our Lord will be right by our sides, walking with us each step of the way and even carrying us when needed.

One of the ways God carries any of us is through the prayers of others, so will you please continue to pray for Kristin and Shawn (and for us)—and also for the birth mother and for the sweet baby who will one day join our family?

I appreciate each of you so much. Thank you for praying!

“On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on ourbehalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” 2 Corinthians 1:10b-11

*By the way, I do know there are blessings even in the midst of lesson-learning. We’re waiting for one blessing in particular, though :)

*Photo by Kristin (as you can probably tell from her outstretched arm! :) )

**The Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway is still underway. Details are in my Oct. 17 post and sign-up is to the right. Don’t miss out on the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!

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