Archives for May 2023

Guest Lucille Williams: New Book with Important Lesson for Kids—and Adults Too!

When I was in elementary school I can remember feeling extreme panic when the teacher asked the class to read out loud. We would start at one end of the classroom and one by one we’d be asked to read. As the kids each read their portion and it got closer to me, panic would set in. I had trouble reading as a kid and I’d stop at “small” words when I saw “big” words coming up so the kids didn’t know I didn’t know the “big” word, and during the pause try and sound out the “big” word in my head. All this to avoid being laughed at or seen as stupid. It usually didn’t work and the kids would often laugh at me when I didn’t know various words. It was quite shaming as a kid and I had such anxiety and fear surrounding reading. And school in general.

I always felt different than other kids. 

School overall was very difficult for me. As an adult I discovered I had ADHD. No wonder I had so much trouble with reading and schoolwork and paying attention in class. I suffered greatly as a kid feeling like I didn’t measure up to the other kids. Getting help from others and feeling like I lacked the skills other kids had plagued me throughout my childhood.

I felt like I wasn’t good enough and longed to be like the other kids. 

It wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized I had great gifting too. I even became a writer–which I never thought was possible. I wish someone had taught me to focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses.

Children can learn this early: We all do not have the same gifting, and we all are special in our own way.

“For You created my innermost parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14 NASB

As a grandma I’ve watched my sweet grandkids struggle with not being able to master things fast and comparing themselves to others. Instead of comparing our weaknesses to other people’s strengths, we can focus on celebrating our differences and embracing our God-given talents.

This is what Turtle Finds His Talent: Discovering How God Made You Special is all about: Teaching children to focus on their own abilities and specialness and God-given talents. This is a good lesson for us adults too. I have learned to adjust to functioning with ADHD and have learned to thrive in it. There are good aspects to every challenge.

God made each child special and unique. Cheering for and affirming differences fosters confidence and self-esteem. Talking about feelings like joy and sadness helps a child navigate and process emotions. When we read to our kids and then talk about the story we do just that.

“My frame was not hidden from You When I was made in secret, And skillfully formed in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my formless substance; And in Your book were written All the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.” Psalm 139:15-16 NASB*Do you know some children who could benefit from the message of Turtle Finds His Talent? Why not gift them with a copy! 

Lucille Williams is an author, speaker, pastor’s wife, and has ministered to couples and families for over 25 years. As the Women’s Director at Palmcroft Church in Phoenix, AZ she dedicates her time to ministry and writing and providing resources on her blog at She’s the author of From Me to We: A Premarital Guide for the Bride- and Groom-to-Be, The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk About Sex and Pancakes, The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and Turtle Finds His Talent: A Slide-and-Find Book: Discovering How God Made You Special.   

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE. *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*Book photos compliments of Zonderkidz

The Birdcage Bridal Veil

Mother of the Bride, if your daughter still needs to select a veil, be sure she considers the birdcage veil among her choices. The bridal veil is one of the bride’s most important accessories in completing her look on the big day, and it’s always a good idea to consider all the possibilities.

Birdcage veils looks very classic and elegant, and believe it or not, they include lots of variety. They can complement many different styles of gowns and hairstyles as well. Have your bride-to-be take a look at these current styles featured in Brides online and Birdcage Veils on Pinterest to get an idea of the choices that are out there.

Initially, MOB, your daughter may not see herself in a birdcage-style veil, but as with the gowns themselves, she’ll never know how beautiful they can be until she tries some with her dress. Even if she doesn’t think she wants one, encourage her to try at least one. She might be surprised. She might just fall in love with the style!

*You might also like to read In Lieu of a Veil: Floral Bridal Combs or Hairpins, Bridal Veils: The Corded Veil, and A Blogging Change Plus a Bridal Veil to Consider.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by melissajean_98Creative Commons License

A Twist on a Traditional Ring Bearer: A Dog!

Yes, Virginia, weddings with dogs as ring bearers do indeed happen. I’ve never been to one myself, but we all know people who love their doggies so much they want to include them in the wedding in some way. Having the dog act as ring bearer is one fairly simple way to do it since the rings can be secured on a pillow and then tied around the dog’s neck.

And yes, there might be some challenges when going with this plan so the happy couple needs to think through the possible scenarios in their particular situation and be ready for come what may. They first need to check with their venue to see if dogs are allowed, and then they can come up with the best plan for their dog’s participation.

So, Mother of the Bride, if your Mr. & Mrs.-To-Be happen to have a dog they love and also like to be a little unconventional, they might just opt for a “man’s best friend” ring bearer. Curve balls come in all shapes and sizes so be prepared if your sweet couple throws you one in the shape of a dog. Don’t say you weren’t warned!

*You might also like to read Sweet Engagement Photo with Your Favorite Pooch and Burlap Ring Bearer Pillow and Flower Girl Basket.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out today. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by shannylynneCreative Commons License

Focus Helps Us Finish

Focus. A word that most of us need to say to ourselves time and again, right? As a writer, I have to remind myself to focus repeatedly in order to stay on task with my main projects. And that rings true for most projects and goals we have in life.

I witnessed the perfect example of staying focused several years ago. I got to watch a bird build a nest one morning. The photo above is of that very bird at work.

I had taken my camera outside, hoping to spot a photo-worthy sight. I wasn’t disappointed. I spied a robin building her nest in a neighbor’s tree. Lucky for me, it was on a lower branch that overhangs our yard.

As the bird worked steadily, I approached more and more closely, unable to believe how close she actually let me get. It was almost as if she had blinders on. Nothing distracted her from the all-important task at hand.

She even seemed to work in rhythm. She flew to the ground, seeking out the next twig or blade of dried grass to include in her newest home, and then with her latest find grasped safely in her beak, she’d fly back up to her nest-in-progress and place it just so, tamping it down and forming it to her specifications. If she gave my interloping presence any thought, she didn’t let it show. She just worked on.

The qualities that enabled my feathered example to finish her project will help me complete my work as a writer as well. Steady work, ignoring distractions, finding a rhythm that works, using the best materials, skilled craftsmanship, and perseverance will all work together to help me create written works that can touch the lives of others. You may not be a writer, but I’m sure these same qualities help you complete your work successfully as well.

Focus. A quality we need day in and day out. Next time we get distracted or feel tempted to give up on our projects or dreams, let’s remember my little mentor with wings. Let’s keep working on too!

“Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.” 2 Corinthians 8:11 NIV

*Where do you need focus in your life right now?

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out today. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE. *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*My photo