Our twin grandsons just turned 15 months old, and life couldn’t be more exciting for them. They’re at a stage where they are experiencing and learning so much and are super excited about absolutely everything.
For example, Isaiah and James love to stand and look out their bedroom or living room window. If a bird hops by or a doggie runs past, you’d think the most exciting thing in the world happened. And if the mail truck pulls up, forget about it. It’s too wonderful for words. Life is one amazing adventure after another for them right now.
And of course, that means life is also super exciting for those of us who love them. We ooh and ahh and squeal right along with them. Their excitement and joy brings the same to us in equal measure—not only because we love them and it thrills us to see them happy, but also because seeing things through their excited little eyes is like seeing them with fresh eyes ourselves. Life is indeed an amazing adventure!
Must not God experience that same joy where we his children are concerned? I can’t help but think he gets a special thrill over the excitement we feel when we see the mountains, the ocean, or any of his other amazing creations for the first time. And even if they’re not completely new to us, if we take great joy in them, don’t you think he rejoices as we rejoice?
And how must God feel over our spiritual firsts and joys? When we were children, his heart must have swelled with joy over our first prayers and early renditions of “Jesus Loves Me.” And the day we gave our hearts to Jesus? I bet his joy was off the charts. Even today as adults, God’s heart must overflow with excitement and joy when spiritual light bulbs go off for us as we read his Word or as the joy of serving him in a new way puts smiles on our faces and songs in our hearts.
So let’s take joy in knowing that our excitement and joy brings our heavenly Father great joy. And let’s keep sharing in the excitement and joy of our loved ones. Let’s live life fully. Let’s remember that life is truly an amazing adventure.
“Rejoice with those who rejoice . . .” Romans 12:15a
*When have you recently shared in a loved one’s excitement? When was the last time you think God must have shared in your joy?
*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early May. Sign-up is free and to the right!
*Flickr photo by bloody marty mix, Creative Commons License
Cheryl, I so agree with you about all you mentioned in this post. Grandchildren are like a bit of heaven. I do believe God delights in us as we do our those precious little children. I still remember how brightly the starts twinkled, brighter than I had ever seen, the night I gave my heart to Jesus when I was eight years old. My heart was filled with joy, but not as much, I’m sure, as was God’s heart that night.
Martha, thanks so much for sharing such a precious story from your own life. I’m sure God’s heart was indeed overflowing with joy when you gave your heart to Jesus. Reminds me of the verse in 3 John, verse 4: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” Thanks again for sharing!
Precious reminder that God’s word tells us to come to Him as little children…delighted by His world and His love. Thank you!
You’re welcome, Vonda! Oh, that we will always delight in Him and all His wonders!