“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Matthew 9:37-38
I admit it—I tend to forget Jesus’ call to prayer for workers for the harvest field. I don’t know why. I’ve long been familiar with the above words of our Savior. Yes, when I’m reminded of this call to prayer, right away I ask God to send out workers into the harvest. But for some reason, asking on a regular basis escapes my memory.
Maybe I need to memorize this particular instruction from the Lord or list it specifically in my prayer plan. But the time has come to quit being hit and miss with this vital call to prayer. If this was important enough for Jesus to give specific instruction, then I need to pay attention and be obedient.
Friends, as Jesus said, the harvest—the masses of people who need to come to know him—is plentiful, but the workers are few. Will you join me in asking God to send out workers into his harvest field? And then let’s be willing to go out into the field ourselves when he calls us to a task. Let’s be faithful to do what God asks of us.
**Do you know of some harvest fields (local, regional, national, or international) in need of workers right now? Feel free to share so that we can all ask God to send workers there.
*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early May. Sign-up is free and to the right!
*Flickr photo by Christian R. Hamacher (Je suis Charlie), Creative Commons License
It is odd that this call to prayer is often overlooked. I think one of the reasons we don’t pray for workers is because then we will be convicted about not doing the work ourselves.
I think you may be right, Jana. In deciding to get serious about this verse, we have to open ourselves to the possibility that we may be the ones God is calling. That can be kind of scary. But as ever, we just need to trust God. He doesn’t call any of us to do everything, does he? We just need to be faithful to do what he does call us to do. And that’s a big order right there. So thankful he empowers us to do what he calls us to do!
And by the way, I personally had to work through this issue as I was deciding to memorize this call to prayer.
Our church is one of the supporters of a new hospital in Togo and they are in need of nurses and doctors. I too prayed when I first heard about it and as time went on I have forgotten to keep praying for them. Thanks for the reminder
Glad to help spark your memory, Nanette. Thanks for sharing the specific need. How wonderful that your church is involved in such an important work. Praying that God will call out nurses and doctors to serve in this hospital in Togo!