Making our December Hopes Come True

4179976696_45e0b2e5b8_z*Sure would appreciate your continued prayers for my husband as he recovers from his injury and for me as I care for him. Thankfully, I had a few posts pre-written. Hope you enjoy this one I wrote before life went crazy for us. God bless your month of December!

As December dawns today, I wonder how many of us have thought about our hopes for this month of Christmas celebration before us. Do we hope for a slower pace and less obligations? Do we dream of more moments to reflect on the wonder of the season and more time to simply enjoy being with family and friends?

Chances are we all have a vision of how we’d like the month to go, but I would venture to say that by a few jam-packed days before Christmas each year, most of us can be heard saying, “Next year I’m going to do things differently. Next year I’m going to _____________.” You fill in the blank.

So how can we avoid being carried along by the swirl of holiday activity and actually move closer to our hopes for a peaceful and joyful Christmas season? Here are a few strategies we can try to see our December hopes come true:

1. First, identify your hopes for the season. Jot them down. Having them in writing will help them be a guiding force throughout the month. These will be specific to you and your situation. We may have some hopes that are the same, but we will also have some that are different.

2. Share your December hopes with God and ask for his help. Tell him your desires and ask him to give you wisdom in making choices. Ask him to bless your efforts to do things differently this year.

3. Share your hopes for the season with your spouse or a friend as well—accountability can help keep you on track. Just as writing down your hopes helps guide your decisions and activities to follow, telling someone else your desires also helps you stay committed to a plan of action.

4. With calendar in hand, take a realistic look at the demands of the month and determine your priorities. Make decisions based on what will move you closer to your vision for how you’d like your Christmas season to go.

5. When others are making plans that impact you, speak up for less stress and/or work—or simply opt out and say no.  Don’t allow others to pressure you into doing things that will derail your efforts to celebrate the season in the way that is best for you and your family.

Let’s try these (and other) strategies this holiday season and see if we don’t come closer to achieving our December hopes this year. Let’s try to avoid that same old next-year song we inevitably sing during those last few days before Christmas each year. Let’s make our December hopes come true!

“[Wisdom’s] ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.” Proverbs 3:17-18

*What are some of your December hopes this year?

*Flickr photo by Joe Buckingham, Creative Commons License


  1. I enjoy your writing so much, Cheryl, and I will pray for you and your husband as he recovers and as you help him through this. The road to complete healing may be slow but I know you will trust God day by day!

    • Kathy, thanks so much for your prayers. Very much appreciated. It truly is a step-at-a-time process. Also it blesses me so much to hear that you enjoy my writing. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. My hope is that my brother will come to the family dinner…and that he’ll be congenial. :-)

    Praying for you and your sweet hubby, Cheryl!

  3. Truly, one of my main hopes is that I can slow down and enjoy the ride rather than living for evening of Dec. 25th when I can finally breathe again. Instead of hoping for the end, I want to enjoy the steps getting there. Blessed Advent walk, friend, and prayers for your family in this season.

    • Yes, Elaine, enjoying the steps — I hope that comes true for you this season. Our lives are so upside down right now that the Christmas season seems really different for me so far. So appreciate your continued prayers!

  4. My hope for the coming Christmas season is to enjoy the time with my young family, because in the blink of an eye they’ll be all grown up. Love and prayers to you and your husband, Cheryl. Hope he is gaining strength by the day.
    All the best,

    • You are so right, Mairead — the time with your family will fly by more quickly than you can imagine. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. Much appreciated!

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