My husband’s summer break (July and the first week of August) usually finds him involved in some kind of major project around our house, and this summer was no exception. Don took on yet another persona to tackle this summer’s task. For nearly two weeks, in the midst of a major heat wave, he willed himself to become Roof Man.
Don has acquired many titles as a result of being married to a blogger :), but Roof Man may be the one that’s required the most will power to attain. First there was Canyon Man and then Paint Man. Next Tax Man made an appearance, and soon after that, Lawn Man and Marathon Man followed. Each of these super heroes had his own set of challenges and glories, but Roof Man was birthed out of sheer determination and perseverance — and the fact that Don can’t stand to hire work done that he thinks there’s any chance he can do himself :)
After gathering every ounce of will power he possessed, he attacked the beast — I mean job. This particular task — the repair of our carport roof — involved a black glue, much like tar but even stickier. So not only was it a blistering hot job, it was a filthy, sticky job as well. The only thing that kept him going was the fear of a summer downpour, Gatorade, and heaping bowls of ice cream.
Don could have ignored the problem or given up in the midst of the work when the going got tough, but he stuck with it. He worked night and day and accomplished a chore he didn’t want to tackle in the first place. He didn’t let the heat, the grime, or the long hours deter him. He persevered, and I’m proud of him — even though I couldn’t get him to use sunscreen! :)
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the rest of us have some dreaded tasks (or trials) looming in front of us. Some things we simply don’t want to do. Will we ignore them and put them off, or will we summon every ounce of our will power and attack the beasts?
The good news is we don’t have to face tough times on our own. We have a Savior, a Father, a Pillar of strength who will give us the gumption and the help we need to meet our challenges. Let’s remember Roof Man and go forward undeterred!
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7
*Have you entered the “Back At It” Giveaway yet? Scroll down to the next post and join the fun!
You have a very tenacious and talented man there! I’m married to one of those too. I’ll bet your roof is better than most now. (smile)
Way to go Roof Man!
Wow…roof man! I don’t think many would venture into getting that title! I’m sure he’s doing a great job! : )
I should really be called “Cheap Man” because I don’t like hiring someone to do something for me that I can do better and less expensively.
What a powerful analogy. Sometimes the doing is necessary, but far from fun. Lucky for Don, he has you to cheer him on! Way to go, RoofMan!
Mom, you should write a post about Moving Man, since Dad has helped Kelli and I move about a 100 times in our lives :)
Chicken Fried Steak Man also has a certain ring to it!
Hmmm… Cheap Man, Moving Man, and Chicken Fried Steak Man… Will have to keep those in mind — they certainly all fit! :)
No tough times on our own, and with a few bowls of icecream to go with, all the more!
What an inspiration. I think my husband needs to read about Don’s many different capes.