Adventure Wanted!

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I admitted this on Facebook a couple of weeks ago so I’ll admit it here, too—I’ve purchased two travel journals recently. But since our twin grandsons were born in January, my travels have consisted of making the nearly 6-hour trek to go see them as often as I can get away with it. So, my travel journals remain empty as of yet. After all, I have a grandparent’s journal for all things grandparenty!

Thoughts of adventure have been popping up with me lately, though. Last week I exhorted all of us to live life. Adventure fits right in with that mantra, doesn’t it? In January, I predicted that adventure awaited us all this year. And now, here it is pulling at my heart again.

In truth, it can be unusual or even difficult for people like me—creatures of habit—to break free from our regular routines and actually welcome adventure. So when adventure starts calling to our spirits, we need to pay attention. We need to be alert to what life may hold around the corner.

Let’s not forget that adventure can look different at different times and to different people. The past several years adventure for me has looked like vacationing in new places, like shown above in our trip to Yellowstone National Park. The past few months, however, my great adventure has looked an awful lot like two sweet baby boys. My life changed forever with their birth. Yes, I set sail on one of the best adventures of my life—being grandma to precious twin boys. I want to be available this first year of their lives to answer the grandma-we-need-you call to adventure. Their momma needs an extra set of hands fairly regularly, and I love lending my hands to the cause.

Even though my new grandmothering adventure is of prime importance to me right now, I want to be ready for new adventures. I want to start making entries in my travel journals. I want to see my world with fresh eyes. I want to be ready for what life may have around the corner. Yes, I want to live life.

Are you with me? Let’s hop out of the regular ruts of our lives. Let’s strain to see what God has in store!

“‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?’” Isaiah 43:19a

*What does adventure look like in your life right now? What great adventure would you like to pursue?

*Photo by my husband Don


  1. Can anyone name what part of Yellowstone National Park the photo above was taken in?

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