Signature Recipes, Signature People

Spring break week certainly sprang by quickly, didn’t it? Let’s try to keep the spring in our step and kick the week off by talking recipes. And not just any recipes, but the ones we’re known for by our family and friends. We’ll call them our signature recipes.

I’ve already shared a couple of my signature recipes on the blog. Remember my family’s birthday cake for Jesus — the Fresh Orange Layer Cake? Or my Grandma’s Rolls? Both are beyond delicious and both garner high marks for me with my family. And since I’m not much of a cook, it’s kind of nice that they know me for something yummy.

The past few years, I’ve become known for another family favorite as well — Cinnamon Coffee Cake. It looks similar to the photo above of an almond coffee cake, but my recipe uses chopped pecans in the topping rather than almonds. I use lots of cinnamon, lots of brown sugar, and get lots of “Mmmm! This is good!” comments in return. I’m including the recipe below for your dining pleasure :)

Please feel free to jump in and tell us about your own signature recipes. If you’d like, share the recipe as well. It’s always exciting to hear about other “favorites” we might add to our baking/cooking arsenal, isnt it? By the way, none of my recipes shared here on the blog are my own original creations. I’ve adopted them from my mom or my grandma.

As you think about your signature recipes, take a minute to consider what you’re known for as a person, too. Do you have a signature quality? Are you known to be kind, funny, helpful, or wise?

Hopefully, we’re known for our good qualities rather than something bad or negative. As Christians, let’s be signature people and strive to let Him shine through our lives in all that we say and do. We could have no better signature than that of Christ our Lord!

“…and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 3:13b

Cinnamon Coffee Cake

1 1/2 cups flour
2 1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg white
1/4 c. oil
3/4 c. milk

Mix first 3 ingredients. Blend in egg white, oil and milk. Stir until flour is moistened.

Make topping by mixing:
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. pecans
2 T. flour
2 T. oil
2 t. cinnamon

Spread half the batter in an 8-inch square pan sprayed with Pam. Sprinkle with half of the topping. Add remaining batter and sprinkle with rest of the topping. Bake at 375 for 22- 25 minutes or until done. (I double the recipe and use a 13×9 pan.) Hope you enjoy!

*Flickr photo by SheGotTheBeat, Creative Commons License


  1. you know how people ask the question “what do you want people to say at your funeral?” i think that’s a silly question, because people always say nice things at a funeral. i think they should ask, “what do you want people to THINK at your funeral?”

    i HOPE people see me as helpful and a willing listener. those are traits i admire in others, and ones i’ve been working on for a few years.

    i HOPE.

  2. I make a similar version to this. So delicious. I have a few signature recipes; one of which is pretzel salad and I have a potato casserole that everyone loves. I need to go back and re-visit your orange-layer cake. Sounds heavenly…


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