
Who else is hungry for a full-blown spring? Oh sure, we’ve seen signs of it for weeks now, but in our neck of the woods, we’ve had too many below average temps to see our thirst for spring fully satisfied. Maybe if we celebrate it here on the blog, we can coax it into full bloom. Join me in a Springfest today, won’t you? :)

Jan Karon, bestselling author of the Mitford series, says that spring “medicates the bones and revives the spirit.” I couldn’t agree more. Spring inspires fresh energy, a happy heart, and yes, even a bounce in the step.

With each passing day as spring unfolds, nature reveals the creativity and graciousness of God, who freely gives us wonder upon wonder to behold during this life-giving season. Christina Rossetti once said, “Were there no God we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts and no one to thank.” I wonder how anyone can take in the glories of spring and not acknowledge the Creator of our world or not feel compelled to give thanks to the One who lavishes such beauty on us.

With a spirit of thanks, let’s think today of the things we love about spring. Here are my five favorite things:

1. Dashing out the door without putting on a coat — no jacket-weather!
2. Lawns and trees turning green once again — color!
3. Birds singing and gathering materials for their nests — wildlife!
4. Wearing flip-flops — freedom!
5. Enjoying the great outdoors without freezing my fanny off — comfort!

Now it’s your turn to add to this coaxing-the-season-into-full-bloom SpringFest. Jump in and tell me your favorite things about spring!

“Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf!” Psalm 66:5

Flickr photo by Dennis Wong

**The next issue of Life Notes, my free quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out the first of May. Don’t miss out — sign up to receive it if you haven’t already (see sidebar). Thanks!


  1. Hi Cheryl — I came by to visit and see how you’re doing.

    Enjoyed the post. What I love about Spring is new growth, fresh beauty, birds singing unto the Lord and a fragrance in the air that can only be that of the presence of the Lord.

    I truly love that about Spring. Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons.

    Bless you and your family.

  2. We, too, have had lots of cool, rainy days but this past weekend the sun came out and it was glorious!

    I,too, love the spring. It’s such a time of rejuvenation. My favorites are wearing my fun new flip flops; getting my landscaping ready; breathing in the aroma-filled air and feeling the warm sun on my face; watching and listening to the birds.

    Enjoy the warming. (It’s supposed to be in the 40s and raining here today…but then it’ll get nice again.)


  3. What I enjoy about spring is what every mother of young children enjoys.The kids get to play outside.I love that i get a quiet house for awhile.I also love the ” flowers” my kids run into give me and the smell of outdoors on them.

  4. I love planting my flowers and vegetables, opening the pool, the sound of neighbors mowing, throwing the dogs their frisbee in the warm sun as I recite my memory scriptures to God, swinging on the deck as I read a good book, and the warm nights, just before bedtime, when I look up into the stars and talk to God. He is everywhere I look no matter the season, but summer is extra enjoyable.

    Great blog Cheryl. May spring come to you soon!

  5. The “scent” of Spring.

    The longer days.

    The color of Spring.

    Walks that don’t require as much clothing and are free of the ample sweat that so freely flows in summer.


    End of a school year.


  6. Hey everyone, I’m so enjoying hearing about your fave spring things!

    If you’re reading comments and thinking of your own favorites, jump in and join our SpringFest! I love hearing from you!

  7. I love spring…but there is 1 problem with it…summer follows….

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