Anyone else know someone enjoying a newlywed Christmas this year? Don and I were lucky enough this Thanksgiving weekend to spend a few hours with our daughter Kelli and new son-in-law Jake, sharing in their joy as they showed off their first-ever cozy little home all decked out for the holidays. What fun! What newlywed Christmas fun! :)
On this their first Christmas together as a married couple, Kelli and Jake are seeing Christmas with new eyes, experiencing all kinds of holiday firsts together and creating what may become new traditions they observe for years to come. They’ll hang on to certain special traditions from their growing-up years to be sure, but many will have a new twist now. A two-become-one twist.
New twists can be a good thing, can’t they? It’s good to do new things. New experiences and new traditions can add a freshness and excitement to life — and to the holidays. When we do new things, we stretch ourselves. We grow.
Our little newlyweds will be doing plenty of new things this holiday season, but we don’t have to be newlyweds to add a twist to our traditions or to start something new. What will you do to add freshness and excitement to your season? What will you do to grow?
“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” Psalm 40:3a
*Christmas Giveaway coming soon! Check back later this week!
We’ve added a wooden Advent wreath to our home this year, made by Caleb Voskamp (son of Ann Voskamp, a sister blogger). It has 24 holes for candles, that wrap around in a circle format. On the interior of the circle, a separate wooden figure of a donkey, carrying Mary, moves from day to day, with the candle, until it reaches the final hole… the 24th of Dec. Alongside the daily movement, we’ll be reading “Jotham’s Journey”–a fictional story separated into 24 readings for the month of December.
There you go… probably more info than you wanted.
Have a blessed week, friend.
Cheryl does Kelli have your Christmas Mouse advent calendar or did she find one of her own or does she and Kristin alternate years sharing it? :)
Debbie, Kristin and Kelli both have their own now. One of them (can’t remember which one) found them on Ebay and bought one for herself and one for the other as a surprise a couple of years ago. I thought I might be free now to not put mine up, but they still want to fight over moving the mouse when they’re at home for Christmas Eve :)
Thanks for sharing their holiday decorations with us. This year I moved a treasured ceramic nativity set(my Na-Na made me) to our familyroom fireplace mantel. The kids are bigger now and I don’t have to worry about it getting broken. Its nice to have the focus of Christmas right in front of us daily. The gingerbread tree and other decorations moved to the livingroom and diningroom
Decorating your first home together for Christmas is such a special time. God Bless them!
Ahhh, new love. They sure look happy, Cheryl.
I don’t know what we’re doing differently, aside from me baking a few gluten-free things for our 15 year-old daughter (she was recently diagnosed w/ gluten intolerance). I only know that the ONE thing I want more than anything for Christmas is more of God’s love. More, more, more!
You forgot that I found the calendars to surprise Kelli on her birthday?! :)
Yes, Kristin, believe it or not I forgot who surprised whom. Thanks for setting the record straight :)