It’s been a crazy-busy weekend for me with extra choir rehearsal, two cantata presentations, and Angel Tree delivery this afternoon as well as the normal holiday “stuff”, but I wanted to take time to show you the amazing picture above — our empty Angel Tree.
Why amazing? Because not long ago, it held 90 yellow Angel tags, each one representing a child needing a loving touch while separated from his or her mom and dad by prison walls. Our church had 45 children needing two gifts each, and on Angel Tree Sunday, our members flocked around the tree, rising to the occasion in economically troubled times to reach out to hurting kids.
What a thrill that day to witness the church being the church — everyone working together to carry out a potentially life-changing ministry within our community and a few other neighboring towns. In addition to my preparation and overseeing the project, there have been nearly 85 others help in some way. This doesn’t even count the volunteers who will show up to deliver the gifts today. Once again, amazing.
So church, thank you! Whether you prayed, put up the tree, filled out Angel tags or Delivery cards, manned the Angel Tree table, bought gifts, donated money, sorted and wrapped gifts, made phone calls, helped carry gifts to storage, made maps, will deliver gifts, prepared Christmas cards for the prisoners, made announcements, helped me work the copier :) or did some other office chores for me, thank you for pitching in and working like the body of Christ is designed to work — with a spirit of unity and cooperation.
Believe it or not, we all still have an opportunity to serve — through prayer. Pray for the seeds that will be planted today during the delivery of the gifts. Gospel materials will be given to each child and caregiver, and spiritual conversations will take place as the Lord gives opportunity. Also, Christmas cards with a spiritual message will be sent this week to 28 prisoner parents. My annual Christmas poem will be tucked inside as well. Pray that it will point needy men and women to the “The Light of Christmas”. (I’ll post the poem on the blog next week.)
How have you witnessed your church being the church lately? It’s always a blessing to see — no matter the season!
“The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose… For we are God’s fellow workers…” 1 Corinthians 3:8a, 9a
**Don’t forget to enter the Your Choice Christmas Giveaway — Dec. 9th post.
Praise the Lord. Isn’t is beautiful to watch the church being the hands and heart of Jesus?
I attend a large church. This month we had a massive food drive. Members were asked to bring some groceries in plastic bags and simply leave them near their cars in the parking lot. Then a team of volunteers spent all morning gathering those groceries.
On Mondays another team of volunteers sort and package those groceries into sacks to be delivered to hundreds of families in our county.
It is amazing how our congregation has responded. I’m so thrilled to be part of a loving body stretching their own resources to take care of their neighbors.
Thank you, Lord!
I remember when your wrote about taking over the Angel Tree. I praise God with you for the success of the program. Isn’t it so awesome to witness the church coming together to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
Christmas blessings,
Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and serving in this ministry!
xoxo Annette
HOW BEAUTIFUL! I love that empty tree!
Hmmm…our church in action? The church recently helped fill empty grocery bags with food. Then our youth went door to door in a small, but needy community and shared the bags. Our youth minister is bilingual and interpreted for us. We were invited in to several cozy living rooms and we all prayed together for blessings over the families. It was love in motion!
Thank you for sharing this blessing. A helpful reminder, indeed, for all of us!
I’m looking forward to seeing your poem, too! GO CHERYL!!
Everyone brought in their packages yesterday for our local version of the “angel tree”; every tag was taken, although not as many were on it as on yours.
It was a beautiful sight to behold. We are a fortunate and blessed people.
Thanks for spearheading the effort this year, Cheryl. You’ve made our Father smile, not to mention all those darling young ones who’ll add theirs as well.