Beautiful Feet Revisited

Since we just got back home from our weekend mission trip to Beautiful Feet, I thought I’d just share a photo and re-run the poem I wrote a few years ago about the Feet (as the locals call it). I didn’t take my camera along because I didn’t want to risk losing it, but someone took this shot on the trip a couple of years ago.

If you look closely, you can see members of the construction team working on the outside of the building, but on the inside you might see meals being served, clothes being sorted, worship services in progress, people praying together — in other words, the body of Christ at work.

As you read the poem, I think you’ll get an even better picture of what Beautiful Feet is like. Enjoy — and praise God with me for this beacon of hope in inner city Ft. Worth!

Beautiful Feet

There’s a place in Ft. Worth called Beautiful Feet
A place known by all who live on the street,
A hot lunch for free can be found there each day
After food for the soul is served up some way.
You see it’s not just a place, instead it’s a church
Where many find themselves beginning their search
For some shred of hope, a way out of their pain,
For love and acceptance instead of disdain.
Beautiful Feet is a light in a dark lonely world
A beacon of hope like a flag unfurled
For God’s people show love to one and all,
For Jesus is the One upon whom they call.
There are those who serve faithfully day after day,
And those who come yearly to work, share, and pray.
Each one sees God’s power heal and redeem,
The lost and the hurting become part of the team.
Each year Kansas comes the talk is who is blessed more
Those in Ft. Worth or the Kansans galore.
They truly feel like family, the bond is oh so sweet
For God is the Father at Beautiful Feet.

“As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'” Romans 10:15b


  1. Would love to hear more about your time there; let me know if you post something along these lines or have written about it elsewhere. I can tell that “beautiful feet” is a powerful ministry of God in that community. Such a blessing to my heart.


  2. Elaine, so glad hearing about Beautiful Feet blessed you. My Wednesday evening post will tell more about the mission trip. Also, if you’d like a look at one of our past trips to Beautiful Feet, read my Jan. 30th, 2008 post. It’s for a giveaway but has a Beautiful Feet story included.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing. I am developing a heart for missions and just love to see the body of Christ at work. (Imagine how this makes God feel?!)
    Did you read the book Same Kind of Different as Me? As I recall it centers on a homeless shelter in Fort Worth. (Great book, BTW.)

  4. Kelli, Same Kind of Different As Me is on my list, but I haven’t picked up a copy yet. I had no idea it was about a homeless shelter in Ft. Worth. Makes me want to read it even more. Love hearing that God is developing a heart for missions in you!

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