Midweek Morsel: Rest During Demanding Times

3475199344_22c0327a80_z“‘. . . even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest.’” Exodus 34:21b

God knows what we need, doesn’t he? As Creator, no one knows us and our needs better than he does. The Bible, his Word to us, is full of his instructions, exhortations, commands, and wisdom that are for our benefit. We are our wisest selves when we listen and heed his words.

One of the things God knows we need is rest. He not only gave the commandment about resting from our work on the Sabbath when he gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, but he went on to emphasize in the passage above that even during the plowing season and harvest the people were to rest. Yes, even during their busiest times, God said, “you must rest.”

If people in Old Testament times needed rest during their busiest seasons, don’t you think we need rest today during our most demanding times as well? I can’t help but think that God knows us so well he knew we’d need explicit instructions for busy seasons. He knows we’re tempted to push too hard when we’ve got more work than hours in the week.

But if we’re wise—if we’re honoring and obeying God—we will rest. And it will indeed benefit us.

“‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” Mark 6:31b

*What are some of the benefits of rest?

*Flickr photo by Meagan, Creative Commons License


  1. Hi Cheryl,

    Your context of even in the plowing and harvest season you must rest struck me in a new way today. Thank you. How neat of God to remind us of that.

    Re your comment on my post “Creating a Home in Life’s Chaos” at Emily Wierenga’s site today, so nice to have you here too, Cheryl. Thank you. What feels like home to you and your kids? I’d love to hear. :)

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Jennifer, such a blessing to hear that this post caused you to think of something in a new way today. Love when God does that through his Word.

      I’d have to check with my girls to see what feels like home to them, but for me a pot of chili and homemade chocolate chip cookies has me remembering not only my own growing up years but our own young family’s life, too. Comfort foods and home just kind of go together, don’t they? :)

  2. I too thought of rest in a new way. Usually when we have demanding times, we think we need to push more but as you say, we need to be intentional about taking time to rest even then. I think we need this message more than ever in this day and age. Thank you for sharing your insights with us.

    Keep up the good writing!

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