Life-giving Rain

Whew, finally! After watching the leaves on the trees almost choke from thirst, this past Thursday and Friday we got some life-giving autumn rain. I don’t know what it’s been like where you live, but here in the Heartland, we’ve had an unusually dry and milder than normal fall.

I admit I’ve loved the warmer temps and sunshiny days, but dry spells certainly take their toll. When the trees finally got around to treating us to the gorgeous fall colors we all look forward to, many of the leaves had already made their descent, skittering across streets and sidewalks and crackling underfoot.

The leaves still adorning the trees have been giving a valiant effort at filling our lives — however briefly — with shades of orange, red, and gold, but the colors have not been as vibrant, the leaves not as fresh and healthy-looking. The lack of moisture has shown.

So when the rain came this past week, we all eagerly soaked it up — the earth, with a serious thirst to quench, and us, rejoicing in the replenishing work of God going on around us. Even though the days dawned dark and dreary, excitement and gladness filled our spirits as we offered thanks for the life-giving rain.

Dry spells come to our spiritual lives as well, don’t they? Times when God seems far away, times when it seems we’re not hearing from Him or feeling His touch. But just as certainly as dry spells come — whether in the natural world or in our spiritual lives — thankfully, dry spells go. One day when we have a serious thirst to quench and when the lack of refreshment is painfully evident, God sweeps in and does a replenishing work. He sends a life-giving rain.

How does this look in your life? How does God refresh you? Does the Word finally seem to speak to your spirit? Does He give you a special touch that could only come from Him? Maybe you’re rejuvenated by the beauty of God’s creation or the timely fellowship of a friend.

One thing is certain. However God chooses to send us fresh life, we eagerly soak it up, and we rejoice in its coming.

Do you find yourself choking through a dry spell of your own? Hang on, friend. The rain is coming.

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25

*Flickr photo by lecates, Creative Commons License

*It’s not too late to get the current issue of Life Notes, my inspirational newsletter/ezine. Sign-up is to the right!


  1. You’ve stated the truth beautifully, Cheryl.

    Do you remember the Sarah Plain & Tall books? I enjoy watching the movie versions. One particular scene sticks with me. They’ve experienced a terrible drought, so Sarah and the children travel east to visit a while with the Aunts in Maine.

    A generous rain cloud drenches them in Maine, so Sarah and the children go outside to play in it. They get drenched. Soaked to soggy, and laugh and dance for joy at the experience.

    The choking drought made them appreciate the showers so much more than they ever had before.

    God’s showers and droughts are the same way for me.


  2. I find that a long walk outdoors, along with praise music, does wonders for my “dryness.” Sometimes I need to just get alone with God in his creation to really feel his pulse. I’ll do so this afternoon, while the sun is shining and my legs are in agreement. It’s something I’m not always able to do these days, so when I get a good day, I get walking!

    PS: Loved seeing all the wedding pics on fb.

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