In Times of Crisis: Only God

Times of crisis come into all our lives. None of us is exempt. Some we see coming, some we don’t, but all have the potential to knock us flat—and keep us there if we don’t know where to turn.

I pray this will be someone’s answer today. Be blessed as you read, dear friends.

Only God

Impossible situations

With towering odds,
The questions all different
The answer the same—
 “Only God.”
A job is gone
And money with it,
How will we manage—
Only God.
The tests are back
With devastating results,
Where do we turn—
Only God.
A marriage teeters
All hope is gone,
Who can restore it—
Only God.
Hearts are ripped open
With grief and despair,
How to stand now—
Only God.
Where is our hope,
Our strength, our peace,
Who can heal and redeem,
He alone is the answer—
Only God.

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

*How has God been your answer recently?

*Flickr photo by baronsquirrel

**The Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway is still underway. Details are in my Oct. 17 post and sign-up is to the right. Don’t miss out on the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!


  1. Cheryl, so glad you came by Granny Mountain for a visit. I too use my blog on my journey, to share and hopefully witness to others. The poem touch my heart, we are praying for a cousin who is facing cancer again. The link is on my sidebar, please keep Patricia Brown in your prayers! Thank you so much…

  2. I agree with and love this poem. We’re juggling three crises in our lives right now. Prayer and surrender to our Father are our best hope.

  3. God has been releasing his freedom into my soul in new measure. I’ve not felt it to this degree . . . ever. There’s a newness to all of this, and I’m know it’s from God.

    He is my sufficiency.


  4. Joy and Debbie, so sorry to hear of the crises going on in your lives. So thankful the poem touched you both and am praying for you now. (And Joy, so glad you came over to visit my blog! Please come again!)

    Elaine, that’s wonderful — the freedom that God is blessing you with now. Praise Him!

  5. Oh yes, I need this!

  6. Kerry, so glad the post was what you needed!

  7. When did you write this, Mom?

  8. Kristin, I wrote it shortly before I posted it here. Hadn’t used it or shared it anywhere else yet.

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