Confessions of a Chocoholic

This piece first appeared in a special humor issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter/ezine. The next issue will come out the first week in May. If you’re not already receiving Life Notes, sign-up is free and to the right!

I might as well be honest about it. I’ve loved chocolate longer than I’ve loved my husband. And that’s a pretty long time now, given the fact that we’ve been married for 35 years. I guess you could say chocolate was my first love. Sorry, honey.

Since chocolate and I go back such a long time together, I think it’s about time I acknowledge my favorite chocolaty treats. I’d say it’s time they got their due, wouldn’t you? So in no particular order—because I don’t think I could make a choice where some of them are concerned—here are My Top Ten Chocolate Loves:

1. Harry & David Dark Chocolate Truffles. If these don’t turn you from light to dark, nothing will.

2. Brownies with Chocolate Chips. Hot, cold, hour-old, day-old, week-old. Any will do.

3. Chocolate Sheet Cake. Best with homemade ice cream, but I can handle it all on its own.

4. Peanut M&Ms. Yes, I can be healthy and have protein with my chocolate.

5. Chocolate Cream Pie. I’ve never met one I didn’t like.

6. Fudge. It’s not just for Christmas anymore. Well, at least not in my dreams.

7. Molten Lava Cake. If Chili’s ever quits serving this, someone just slit my wrists.

8. Chocolate Shakes. I wonder if Braum’s would consider instituting IV drips??

9. Fudge Brownie Ice Cream. I’ll take mine in a dish. After all, a girl’s gotta watch her calories.

10. Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies. Too much of a good thing? Never!

And we lived happily ever after…

“God…richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” 1 Timothy 6:17b

*Are you a chocoholic? If so, what’s your favorite chocolate indulgence? If not, what kind of “oholic” are you? C’mon and fess up — it will be fun! :)

*Flickr photo by shimelle, Creative Commons License


  1. mmmmm! Trader Joes has an amazingly awesome chocolate truffle you should try :)

  2. There is a chocolate cake on my counter right now! And I might have taken care of the “extra” icing last night. : )

  3. Oh Cheryl, you are singing my song, and that verse from I Tim. is so apt in this post. My current way of enjoying chocolate is to buy the hunks from the bulk bin at Winco (west coast discount grocery chain). We keep it in a bowl with an ice pick and just hack off pieces. Always dark, of course.

  4. I’ll take my chocolate just about any old way, but I like to break up the richness with a little vanilla something. Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ganache and vanilla cream cheese filling are my favorite at the moment. I suppose I could make a vanilla cream filling, due to your aversion to cream cheese. ;)

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