Midweek Morsel: Prayer to Unlock Lips


“O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.” Psalm 51:15

Have you ever come up empty at a time when you know you should be speaking? A time when the words just wouldn’t come? I’ve lived moments like those time and again, and I bet you have, too. I even deal with it in my writing life at times.

Several culprits could be responsible for the lock on our lips. Fear, poor self-esteem, grief, weariness, or sometimes just plain ole brain fog gets the best of us. Other times a lack of response from those we’re speaking with stymies us.

Next time we find ourselves word-blocked, let’s remember David’s prayer from the verse above. Let’s remember the One who can unlock our lips and then join David in saying “O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.”

*What has caused you to come up empty when you should have spoken?

*Flickr photo by Freddy The Boy


  1. This is a timely word, Cheryl. I’m bankrupt as it pertains to my words right now. The culprit? Weariness. Just plain weariness. By the time I sit down to spend my words, I realize I’ve spent them already. My life is very full right now. Still and yet, I can always offer my praise to the Lord! There’s so much to tell.

    • Yes, Elaine, weariness will certainly do it. So good to know that the Lord knows and understands the seasons we are in. And so good to always praise the Lord. May he strengthen you for all your tasks!

  2. Love the post! I have been in that state of locked lips before, but I will say that God has given me lots of words lately and I am busy PRAISING him for what he is doing in my life!

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