I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some fun. I’ve got an extra special giveaway up my sleeve for February so just wanted to give you a heads-up to watch for my next post. That’s right — the fun is coming soon!
Also coming soon is the second issue of Life Notes, my inspirational newsletter. If you haven’t yet signed up to receive it, I hope you will today (sign-up to the right). It’s free and is sent out quarterly at this point. This issue will feature a theme of perseverance, and believe it or not, I prepared it in early January before our current situation calling for a special brand of perseverance landed in our laps. I pray that something in this issue will encourage you in your current circumstances.
So there you have it — fun and encouragement both coming soon! But that’s not all.
I can’t think about things that are coming soon without thinking about our Savior. In the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, Jesus himself said, “‘Behold, I am coming soon!'” (Revelation 22:12a), and as if to reassure us, he says again in the next to last verse of our Holy Scriptures, “…’Yes, I am coming soon.'” (22:20). With that promise ringing in my ears, I join John, the author of Revelation, and respond with “Come, Lord Jesus.” (22:20b).
“…’Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain…'” Revelation 21:3-4
p.s. No big change with my mother-in-law to report. All prayers still appreciated!
*Flickr photo by bjohnsonjewelry
I will definitely be in prayer for your family. Thank you for the update and reminder to visit your blog.
I look forward to your newsletter and the topic especially. We are all challenged in the area of perseverance at one time or another. It is so important to remain steadfast with God as we walk through life.
We are living on Rev 21 right now…tired but filled with faith.
I’ll be looking for the newsletter. Haven’t received it as of yet.
Happy weekend to you.