Giveaway Winner Plus A Question for You

That’s right. Today’s the day to announce the winner of the “Back At It” Giveaway 2 so let’s get down to business. This time the lucky winner of a $15 gift card to Barnes & Noble is . . . Kristin! Congratulations, Kristin! Hope you enjoy! (Kristin has been following my blog since my first post and has entered every giveaway. So fun to see her finally win one!)

Now on to part two of this post: As you may remember, the reason I hosted the “Back At It” Giveaway 2 was to kick off getting back into more focused writing here on the blog after doing several weeks of Summer Photo Fun. The timing was good since so many of you were also trying to get back into gear with a new school year for your kids.

But what I want us to ask ourselves today is if there is something else we may need to get back to—something we may have let fall by the wayside for any number of reasons.

Have we let our exercise routine slide lately, or have we gotten away from the healthier eating habits we’d been trying to follow? Have we neglected certain medical check-ups or tasks around the house? Or maybe we’ve drifted away from regular Bible reading and prayer. Maybe we’re not spending the time with God that we once did.

So the question for each of us is this: What do I need to start doing again?

There’s no better time than today. Let’s go out there and get back at it!

“. . . for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again . . .” Proverbs 24:16a

*Flickr photo by mikebaird


  1. Yay! I can’t wait to use the gift card to get a new book :)

    I’ve actually already been “back at it” with a better exercise routine this summer, plus eating healthier (more salads for lunch and more veggies/fruit each day) and I can see how these things are really making me feel better too.

  2. Writing regularly!

    Congrats Kristin.


  3. Because of recent surgery I’m just now getting back to exercise. My-oh-my how we lose strength and begin to deteriorate if we don’t keep moving.


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