For Fun: You Might Not Know…

Hope you’re ready for some of my silliness :) In spite of recent sad times and the massive blizzard that blasted our area on Monday, I’m continuing this week’s spirit of fun with another light-hearted post today. Get ready to giggle :)

A couple of years ago, I shared some random tidbits of info about myself so you could get to know me a little better. I thought this might be a good time to see if I could add 10 new things to that list, so here goes.

If you don’t know me very well, you might not know:

1. I’ve lived in Kansas all my life. No, I don’t own any ruby slippers :)

2. I still have my tonsils. And appendix. And gall bladder. And… Okay, I’ll stop there :)

3. I’ve never had long hair. When you’re as beautiful as I am with short hair, why complicate life? :), Ha!, and LOL.

4. I’ve never colored my hair. Again, why mess with perfection? (Somebody stop me!)

5. I don’t like tomatoes, mushrooms, or foods with cream cheese. Yes, this includes cheesecake. Shocking, I know, but true :)

6. As poor college students during our overnight honeymoon, we saw Gone With the Wind at the movies. Pathetic, but also true. (Don’t worry, we took a real trip a couple of years later.)

7. I had to be rescued during swimming lessons as a kid the first time I jumped into the deep end of the pool. I was only a few feet from the side, but all I could do was bob up and down. I think it was the first time that instructor got wet all summer :)

8. I don’t know how to start our lawnmowers, probably because Don always does the mowing. But then again, he doesn’t seem to know how to start the washer, the dryer, the… You get the picture :)

9. When sitting and relaxing on the couch in the evening, I sometimes rub my feet together like a cricket. What can I say? I get it from my dad :)


10. I celebrate with chocolate. I reward myself with chocolate. I carry some sort of chocolate in my purse at all times. And it just occurred to me that maybe I should start punishing myself with chocolate, too…. Could it be time for an intervention?? :)

What don’t I know about you? Please share!

…a time to weep, and a time to laugh…” Ecclesiastes” 3:4a KJV

*If you enjoyed this type of fun post, you’ll get a kick out of my “Confessions of a Chocoholic” in the current issue of Life Notes (my quarterly inspirational newsletter). Sign up is free and to the right!

**Don’t forget to enter the “I Love Chocolate” Giveaway. Just scroll down to the post below, and you might be in chocolate heaven come Valentine’s Day!


  1. I don’t remember you rubbing your feet together!

  2. Kristin, you may have the wrong image in mind. I cross my legs at the ankles and rub my feet back and forth on each other. Kind of a way to stretch, too :) Gpa does it, too :)

  3. “I had to be rescued during swimming lessons as a kid the first time I jumped into the deep end of the pool. I was only a few feet from the side, but all I could do was bob up and down. I think it was the first time that instructor got wet all summer :)”

    HA HA HA!! I keep picturing you bobbing up and down! That’s so funny! But also a little terrifying.

  4. Cheryl,
    I was so sad to read about the passing of Don’s mother. I know how special she was to you…and how long she hung in there. Praying for God’s abundant grace and comfort to you and your family.

    On a lighter note, I enjoyed reading your fun facts. And am glad you survived the blizzard. Yikes that was a big one! How many more days until Spring?

    Blessings and prayers,

  5. Rubbing toes like a cricket? I just have my husband rub mine!


  6. Hey! I rub my feet together like crickets and I also got it from my Dad.

  7. Hey Brenda, that is too funny! As I remember, I think my Grandpa did it, too :) Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

  8. Very funny list! especially the “somebody stop me!”
    In your next fun list you need to tell about the game we played and you falling backwards out the you-know-what (I don’t want to give away the ending).
    If I start to rub my feet together – I stop and wonder if I’m doing it because Dad did, and then I don’t.

  9. Janice, ah yes, the falling backwards story. I’ll have to keep that one in mind :) So funny how all of us girls have that tendency to copy Dad and rub our feet together :)

  10. To answer your question – I get the hiccups when I eat meatloaf sandwiches

  11. Nanette, that’s crazy about the hiccups :)

  12. I loved getting to know you better. Fab post!

  13. Thanks, Donna! :)

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