We’ll miss them if we’re not careful. Wonder. Beauty. We won’t see them if we don’t take the time to look.
This summer I invited extra beauty into my life by putting a birdbath and birdfeeder in our backyard. Since my office window provides a perfect view of that portion of our yard, I’ve enjoyed moments of wonder I would never have spotted otherwise.
I took the above photo of a cardinal in November and was very pleased to capture the shot. In my experience with photographing birds so far, I’ve found that the male cardinals don’t sit still for long—at least not long enough for me to get a shot centered and focused.
I’ve also spotted a few new-to me birds, saw a huge bird land in our yard (must have been a hawk of some sort), and enjoyed watching not only birds in the birdbath but also caught squirrels and a cat drinking there as well. I even captured a shot of squirrel trying to get in on the action at the birdfeeder and also managed to thwart a neighborhood cat’s attack on one of the unusual birds that visited our yard this summer.
But I wouldn’t have seen any of these wonders or enjoyed their beauty if I hadn’t taken the time to look.I make a point of glancing out my office window several times a day just to see what special treats God might have waiting for me right under my nose.
I’ve got to admit, though, sometimes I’m so busy I’m tempted to ignore anything going on outside of my current task. I’ve stayed at my keyboard or dashed in and out of my office, not taking the time to slow down and savor beauty, not taking the time to try to capture some great photos. I wonder what I’ve missed during those times.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss the beauty. I don’t want to miss God’s blessing. Join me, won’t you? Let’s take time for wonder.
“Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.” Psalm 40:5
*What wonders have you seen lately?
Oh Cheryl is this is so true! We have to take the time to enjoy all of the wonders God has placed all around us. Your picture of the cardinal is so pretty!
Thank you for your post Cheryl. It was a wonderful reminder to enjoy the beauty God has created all around us. I love to watch cardinals as well. I have noticed they are shy birds and often fly away when other, more aggressive birds come along, so when I see one I always concider it a treat. :)
Moments of wonder feel like little springs of joy bubbling up in our hearts and minds. Thanks for the reminder to take time, Cheryl; you’re so inspiring.
Thanks so much for your sweet comments, ladies! Glad you enjoyed the post — and the picture of the cardinal! :)
OOH, I’ve never seen a cardinal. How exciting! There have been more and more sightings of bluebirds in the past few years and I believe every time I see one I’ve been given a gift from God.
Love this cardinal picture. My backyard is full of lovely red cardinals, and brown females with the tiniest pinkish hue on their wings. Unfortunately I haven’t yet captured one in a photo. I think I will get another bird feeder and place it closer to the deck. We have one at the back of the yard, but they see me coming every time. Maybe I can perch myself out on the deck, so they will go about their business and ignore me.
Jana, you’ll have to come east so you can see a cardinal someday – they are beautiful. I haven’t seen a bluebird here at home but did get to watch some this summer at Mom & Dad’s. They were gorgeous, too!
Mairead, you’re right — you have to very sneaky to catch photos of cardinals! I actually took this shot looking out my office window. The bird feeder and birdbath are not far away so I can catch some neat photos from inside — if I keep the windows clean! :)
This sounds like a parable Jesus might have shared to point out the fact that we cannot see what we don’t look for/at.
Just last night I was sitting in my car waiting for my granddaughter to finish basketball practice. I had Christmas music playing; and the rain was coming down in torrents. I turned off the car radio, closed my eyes, and for the longest time got caught up in the awe & beauty of the storm. I’m so glad I listened …. (I think there’s a parable there, too)
Kathleen, what a neat comparison to how Jesus taught in parables. And thanks for sharing your storm experience. I bet we’ll all listen closer from now on!
Cheryl, I really like this post. And I so enjoy your bird photos. I like to take them myself, you know. Cardinals are a favorite. Especially while living in MO.
I am finally back home in my house in AR. It’s in the woods. A couple of days ago I was up very early in the morning. It was still dark out. I heard two owls hooting, very close by. Even though it wasn’t something I saw, hearing them was pretty neat!
Jeneal, so glad you enjoyed the post and photo. I would love your house in AR — sounds very much like the woodsy area Mom & Dad lived in in MO. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an owl in the “wild”. Maybe you’ll get to see those you heard soon! :)