Mother of the Bride, has your daughter-turned-bride discovered Loverly yet? If not, score some MOB points by sharing the site with her pronto.
Loverly is an awesome website—a wedding search engine where brides, grooms, and anyone interested in all things wedding can search, save, share, and shop all in one place. You must be registered to save and bundle and also share the items you love, but creating an account is free.
The Frequently Asked Questions portion of the website fills you in on the details and shows you how to use the site. You can even use the site on the go by downloading the Loverly App.
Loverly has a Facebook page, too, where you and your daughter can benefit from more great wedding inspiration. What a great option to have as an extra source of ideas or as an alternative to taking time to visit the main website. With the Facebook page, you’ll be able to catch a quick look at wedding “loverlyness” right in your own newsfeed.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Loverly—and then share the link with your daughter. As for me, I’ve added Loverly to my Helpful Sites listed on the sidebar!
*You might also like to read Rustic Wedding Resource.
*Since the readership of the Mother of the Bride Blog is ever-changing, I hope this encore post has been helpful to those of you who weren’t MOBs when I originally posted it in August 2013.
*The new issue of Life Notes, my inspirational quarterly newsletter, comes out tomorrow. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!
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