Winter Comfort

Sometimes winter visits our souls at the same time it visits our neighborhoods. If you happen to be feeling the gray of the season in your spirit today, I pray that God will minister some winter comfort to you through the following poem I wrote several years ago. Be blessed, my friends, as you read:

The Wintertime

“O Lord, I need a touch from You
For it’s wintertime in my soul,
I feel so lonely and discouraged,
Extra stress has taken its toll.

Lord, it’s even winter outside
And the gray, cold days mirror my heart,
Father, please speak peace to me
And lovingly give me a fresh new start.”

As I finished my prayer
His voice I longed to hear,
But instead His touch I saw—
Snowflakes started to appear!

Silent snowflakes, pure and white,
Came drifting gently down,
Making the wintertime a wonderland—
God spoke to me without a sound.

“’I, even I, am he who comforts you…'” Isaiah 51:12a

*Flickr photo by lalofont, Creative Commons License

**The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early February. Sign up is free and to the right!


  1. Cheryl–you are such a gifted writer. Poetry is such a deeply personal art. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.

  2. Kirsten, thank you so much. I appreciate your sweet and encouraging words!

  3. HOW BEAUTIFUL!!! You should submit more of your work, my friend. GORGEOUS!

  4. Thank you, Donna! This poem appeared in Mature Living magazine several years ago. Maybe I need to look again for a place to submit it as a reprint. Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. A beautiful picture and words to bring peace to my soul this day…

    Like fresh-fallen snow, so does the grace and tenderness of our Lord arrive to our hearts!


  6. Beautiful poem, Cheryl, and photo. Reminds me that when we came out from Keith’s mother’s funeral there were a few snowflakes coming down. It was a beautiful sunshiny winter day.

  7. What a beautiful poem and it did touch my day! I’m praying for your family. And your things about you made me smile too! :)

  8. Thank you all, ladies! And thank you Elastagirl for your prayers — much appreciated!

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