Guest Blogger Rachel Skatvold: The Hands of the Potter

Bill Longshaw

*Fyi, today while Rachel guest posts for me, I’m guest posting for her. Come find me on her Learning to Shine blog!

“Yet you, LORD, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
We are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8 NIV

Using a pottery wheel takes dedication. Any skilled potter will tell you that creating a work of art requires time, patience, and a steady but gentle hand.

I remember the first time I tried my hand at throwing a pot on the wheel in high school. Centering the clay was the hardest part. If even a tiny air bubble remained hidden in the ball of clay, it wobbled all over the place. My first attempt at making something turned into useless glob of mush. However, with some practice and guidance, I learned how to form the clay into something recognizable. Eventually I sculpted a small pencil holder that still adorns my mom’s book shelf to this day.

I am a novice potter, but God is the expert. I love the illustration of the clay and the potter used in Isaiah 64:8. It shows that when God looks at me, he doesn’t just see a hunk of clay, he sees potential. Every day of my life, God teaches me something new. He molds me and shapes me into what I should be. If I keep my heart centered on him, he can form my life into something beautiful.

“He’s Still Working On Me.” The words of the old children’s hymn still ring true. Learning to trust and follow God is a daily process. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s worth it. I might make mistakes, but the loving hands of the Father bring me right back to the center of his heart, where I should be. I’m so thankful that he’s still working on me.

*Photo Credit: (Bill Longshaw)

About the Author: Rachel Skatvold Author Bio Pic

Rachel Skatvold is a Christian author and stay at home mom from the Midwest. She enjoys writing Christian romance, devotions, and encouraging blogs. Rachel’s debut novella, Beauty Within, was released in early October 2014 and she’s currently editing her first full length novel, Enduring the Flames. Other than writing, some of her hobbies include singing, reading, and camping in the great outdoors with her husband and two young sons.

Places to follow Rachel: Website   Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest


  1. Thank you for having me as a guest today, Cheryl. Blessings to you and your writing ministry. :)

  2. Cheryl it is always such a thrill to receive your Life Notes and they always show up with just what I need for that day, todays was no exception : at 81 I get slower every day so my “to do lists” never get done and consequently the faster I try to go the more frustrated I get and God sends these little love reminders to just enjoy being with Him and He will remind me some on the list don’t really matter.
    Just had fnished my quiet time and this was the first thing I came to in my e mail
    Thanks for the blessing, God Bless you, Sue

    • Sue, you are so welcome! And thanks so much for letting me know how much you enjoy my Life Notes newsletter. What a blessing to hear that God uses it to bless you. Thanks for letting me know! (p.s. some of the things on my to-do list really don’t matter either — that’s a good lesson to share!)

  3. “I am a novice potter, but God is the expert. ” I really like this statement. Thank you Rachel for a lovely post reminding us that God continually shapes and molds us.

    • Thank you for your comment, Mairéad. It’s wonderful to hear that God blessed you through this post. It’s great to connect with you and I hope you have a blessed evening. :)

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