In today’s Midweek Morsel, I’m going to share a great food-for-thought quote, but first it’s time announce the winner to my One-More-Chance Starbucks Giveaway. That lucky winner is Kristin! Congrats, Kristin!! Since I am headed your way today, I am super excited to get to personally deliver the gift card to you. Fun stuff, huh?!
And now to get us all thinking! Here is a Bob Goff quote from Love Does, one that will make us think not only about what we love and what we leak as a result, but also what can happen when our creativity is paired together with God’s love. Here are Bob’s thoughts:
“. . . [the man] leaked what he loved. He was leaking Jesus. And pretty soon the puddle he made swallowed us all by the lake it formed. That’s the way the chemistry of God’s love and our creativity work together when combined. No reservoir can hold it, no disappointment can stop it, and no impediment can contain it. It can’t be waved off, put off, or shut down. It doesn’t take no for an answer. Instead it assumes yes is the answer even when it sounds an awful lot like a no to everyone else.” Bob Goff in Love Does
So what are we leaking? And in what creative ways are we showing God’s love?
“. . . and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13b
*The latest issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!
*Flickr photo by @boetter, Creative Commons License
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