Book alert, book alert! Remember The Groom’s Instruction Manual I told you about in my Building a Bridge to the Groom post? Well, I’m not sure how I missed seeing it before now, but there is an instruction manual for the bride as well. Yippee!
The Bride’s Instruction Manual by Carrie Denny looks every bit as cute, fun, and helpful as its counterpart for the grooms. Twenty-three reviews had been posted on Amazon when I last checked, and it had averaged 4.7 out of 5 stars. Looks like a winner, doesn’t it?
If my girls were still brides-to-be, I bet I’d be scurrying around to get them copies of this book. Sounds like it would give them help plus make them laugh at the same time. Yes, definitely a winning combination!
*If there was an instruction manual for mothers of the bride in this series that uses a touch of humor, what topics would you like to see addressed?
*photo from
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