Prayer Changes Me

You’ve heard it said that prayer changes things. Well, sometimes.

Sometimes we see God answer our prayers through changed circumstances or hearts, but other times things don’t change. The house goes into foreclosure. The divorce is finalized. The cancer rages on and finally wins the battle. For whatever reason, God, in His infinite — and loving — wisdom has not seen fit to change the thing we’ve brought to Him in prayer time and again.

But one thing I’ve found to be true about prayer is that even when God doesn’t grant the change I desire — when He says “no” or “wait” — prayer still brings about change. It changes me.

As I bring my burdens to Him in prayer, changes take place in my heart. Sometimes they’re dramatic and instantaneous, but more often than not, they blossom a step at a time as God does the work in my life that will draw me closer to Him, that will conform me into His image.

Anxiety and worry melt into peace and calm assurance in my heavenly Father. Anger and unforgiveness grow into grace, like the grace given so freely to me. Bitterness that may have crept in gets uprooted while negative feelings about someone are replaced by compassion and love. My wisdom and need to control give way to the blessed relief of trusting utterly in Him.

So even when it seems that prayer is not changing circumstances the way I’d like, I’m grateful to know that coming to God in prayer indeed does a transforming work. I’m grateful to know that prayer changes me. How about you?

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

*Flickr photo by kabils, Creative Commons License

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  1. Your post is wonderful. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your verse with me!

  2. It took me a long time to come to that realization and much much bitterness in my heart over the prayer that I felt God “didn’t answer”. While I still ache over my loss, I am finally at peace with prayer and with God. Prayer is all about building my relationship with God! Such a beautifully written post!

  3. Thanks for the timely reminder that it is perspective more than anything I do that changes what happens to me & inside me. God is in control, not me!

  4. So glad, gals, that this post was meaningful to you — thanks for letting me know.

    And Emily, thanks for sharing from your heart what the struggle can be like when we feel like God hasn’t answered us. So happy to hear that you are at peace now…

  5. Thank you for the wise post!

    So often when I ask God for Big Things it is because I want unbelievers to see and believe his power! I know I will be fine regardless of his answer because of the truth of Romans 8:28. But it is so hard when he says No and unbelievers say “See?? God doesn’t care!” Sigh.

  6. Excellent post! There is a certain peaceful transformation that settles in when you “let go and let God.” It’s still not always easy for me to remember, though. ;)

  7. Prayer has been my life-line and has never failed to bring about more peace in my heart. I’m so grateful for Jesus Christ and for making a way for me to communicate with my Father.

    Prayer is one of the most precious gifts we hold in this life!


  8. Thank you, ladies, for joining the discussion. I’ve been blessed by each of your comments!

  9. Great post and how true. Thanks for sharing.

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