Midweek Morsel: Staying in Lonely Places

girl-491623_640“ . . . Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places . . .” Mark 1:45

Jesus knows what it’s like to be forced to stay in lonely places. Early in his ministry after people began to hear about his healing powers, crowds began to seek him out any time they caught news of his whereabouts. Jesus was no longer free to stay wherever he wanted. His growing popularity brought new limitations into his life.

Some of us may find ourselves in a situation or season of life that makes it necessary for us to stay in lonely places. For whatever reason, we’re not free to do what we want to do or go where we’d like to go. This new season, this new situation, has brought new limitations.

Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus understands our disappointment and frustration, our grief and loneliness when we lose our freedom? Let’s not face time like these alone. Let’s turn to Jesus. He understands.

“‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’” Matthew 11:28

*What’s one of the lonely places that life has found you in?

*CCO Public Domain Photo


  1. When I was caring for my sister who was dying of cancer, I remember feeling that all I was doing was trying to keep everybody happy, trying to keep everyone from fighting with each other and with me. It was an impossible job, and I ultimately had to give it to the Lord. It still wasn’t easy, but pleasing everyone wasn’t my job anymore.

    • Vonda, thanks so much for sharing. Caregiving can indeed be a very lonely place. So glad you saw that you needed to give your situation over to the Lord. It’s always the best way, isn’t it? I’ve been in tough caregiving situations, too, and I can’t imagine going through times like that — or life in general — without being able to turn to him. Blessings to you, friend!

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