I don’t know how he pulled it off, but Don managed to get a new “toy” for himself on my birthday last weekend. To be honest, we spent that day shopping for several things, and he did try to dissuade me (weakly!) from spending any time at all looking for a new lawnmower for himself. But I insisted we take advantage of the fact that he actually had the time and opportunity to look that day, and so…voila! Don is now the ridiculously proud owner of a new TROY-BILT 3 in 1 Push Mower. It has a mulching feature that has him in Lawn Man heaven :) (First, he was Canyon Man, then Paint Man, and now his predominant identity comes out — he can most often be seen as Lawn Man!)
I must admit it was time for an update. His old push mower has been, I’m sure, driving the whole neighborhood crazy all summer with its sputtering death rattle. Or should I say Don has been driving everyone crazy as he ran the engine and worked on the dying mower for hours on end. After trying everything he knew — as well as a few things others suggested — he decided it was time to let go of some cash and get something that could actually cut grass :) (By the way, he uses his rider on most of our yard but still needs a push mower for certain parts of it as well as for the lawn he mows for an elderly neighbor. What a guy, huh?!)
I wish you could have seen him as he got his new mower set up and ready to go. He could barely wait to get it out into the grass and give it a test run. Just like a kid on Christmas morning, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as he stopped just long enough to give me his first report. “Man, this thing just glides through the grass. It pushes so easy — it doesn’t shake and vibrate like the other one did. This is great!” And then he was off again, even mowing parts of the lawn he usually does with the rider. When I caught his attention long enough to ask him what in the world he was doing, he just smiled. Before I knew it, he had taken off to do our neighbor’s yard. I began to wonder if he would do the entire neighborhood before he came in :)
It was neat to see how excited Don was to get to work and use his new piece of equipment. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we all displayed the same kind of zeal over using the talents and abilities that God has given us? Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”, and Paul tells us in Romans that “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…” (12:6a).
What gifts has God given you? What did He create you to do? Let’s get excited about using our God-given equipment. Let’s be ready to get to work. Let’s be ready to go!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received…” 1 Peter 4:10a
Cheryl, Tell Don congratulations on the new lawn mower but doesn’t he know better than to mow in flip flops!
He knows better, Debbie, but that doesn’t mean he does it! Believe it or not, those flip-flops are his standard mowing shoes. I tempted to tell the other things he should be doing but isn’t so I’d better sign off before I say too much :)
Congrats to Don. He gets to enjoy the toy. You get to enjoy the beautiful lawn. Sounds like a winning relationship to me.
I love that Dad enjoys mowing. It’s one of things that he taught me to do and it has become one of my hobbies!
You’re right, Jean. I don’t mind this arrangement at all :)
Kristin, too bad you don’t live closer — you and Dad could do yard work together! :)
I hope a talent scout doesn’t see this picture of me. I may have to quit my teaching job and become a model for Troy-Built lawnmowers.
“Anonymous”, you’re crazy :)
First thing I noticed was the flip flops too. I like that anonymous comment .
Cheryl, I really liked this one. I needed the reminder that God has already prepared me to do the things He calls me to do. He also sends very special friends, and their super husbands, to encourage and help me do the work He has prepared me for.
So, now Don has another name, “Superhusband!” You don’t have to tell him I said that. He might get a big head or something. But, I’m afraid Anonymous might tell.
Janice, maybe you can give Don a lecture about the flip-flops next time you see him. He doesn’t listen to me :)
Jeneal, glad this post had a reminder in it that hit the spot for you. And you’re right — if anonymous reads your comment, I’m sunk. If word of your new nickname for Don gets back to him, his head will swell plus he’ll probably start doing his “stir the pot” dance! :)
Okay, true confessions time. This is actually a point of contention in our marriage. Mark loves to mow the lawn – and so do I!!!! We actually race sometimes to see who gets to mow the lawn.
Yes, I know. We are a bit odd, aren’t we?
It’s a cute odd, Renae :) You sound a lot like my daughter Kristin. She loves to mow, too :)
Hi Cheryl, I have tried so many times to comment on your blog and Google wouldn’t accept me. Today I am trying again with a new password. If this doesn’t work I will be very disappointed. Have wanted to congratulate you on being published! Way to go! Norma
Cheryl, I have tried AGAIN. No success. This time I am trying a different user name. I just don’t get it! Norma M