This week, before October gets away from us, I’d like to take time to spotlight breast cancer awareness. And guys, since you care about the women in your lives, this is for you as well as for the gals.
I’m willing to bet that breast cancer has touched us all in one way or another. Someone we know has fought the battle and lost, fought the battle and won, or is fighting it right now. Personally, I know women in each of these categories. In fact, I know too many. Enough to realize that any one of us could find ourselves in the same battle tomorrow or next week or next year.
I’m not going to try to give statistics or pretend to be an expert. With the web at our fingertips, plenty of information is available. I just want this to serve as a reminder for us to be vigilant and proactive where our own bodies are concerned as well as supportive and encouraging to women and their families currently battling breast cancer.
So let me just pose a couple of questions. If you’re 40 or over, when was your last mammogram? I’ll be due for one in January. How about self breast exams? Are you faithful doing those? I’ll admit I’m not. Oh, I’ve occasionally made stabs at trying to do them monthly, but I eventually end up forgetting about it. Definitely something I need to work on, huh?
Maybe we can help each other. What have you found that works for you where proactive measures are concerned? Any words of advice? How about encouragement for those who may be faced with breast cancer right now? Anything you’d like to share is welcome. I look forward to hearing from you!
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you…” 3 John 1:2a
*You might want to look back at this post. It’s a review of breast cancer survivor Yvonne Ortega’s Hope for the Journey Through Cancer. You can learn more about Yvonne at
*Flickr photo by ankakay
I’m so thankful for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We can use a reminder to take care of ourselves. Ladies, please get a mammogram. If you have any doubts, also get an ultrasound. Not all tumors show up on a mammogram. Mine didn’t. January 19, 2009, I will celebrate eight years of being cancer-free. I’m already planning the party.
Yvonne Ortega
I started getting mammograms when I was 37. My doctor encouraged me to get a mammogram early. I’m happy to report I have been faithful every year since then. I just had my last one in June.
I encourage everyone to do this. It DOES NOT hurt as everyone says. There may be mild discomfort but it only last for a second.
Congratulations Yvonne on being cancer free for eight years!!!
It is vital for women over 40 to be diligent in mammograms and self exams. Thank you for your post.
Thank you, Cheryl, for the reminder. I’ve had my exam and continue to monitor myself on a regular basis. I lost two friends this year to breast cancer. We are a very active community in regards to “relay for life”, etc. Cancer has taken its toll in our county (we hold the highest cancer statistics for our state).
I’m praying for God to heal our land and root out the cause in our area. I’m also praying for the sufficiency of his grace in the lives of my friends who are suffering with the disease.
Thanks for the post.
Cheryl, a dear friend of mine just had a bilateral mastectomy last week. My mother-in-law is a 3-time cancer survivor; two of those were bouts with breast cancer.
The most important thing they’ve both shared is the need for an ultrasound, in addition to a mammogram. For my friend, the mammogram showed nothing at all; it was the ultrasound that revealed the stage 2 cancer. I now see that this was the case for Yvonne, as well. Something we all need to remember!
Thanks for promoting awareness of this very personal disease.
Thanks, Cheryl, for the reminder. I also know too many women who have fought breast cancer and won, and too many who have fought it and lost.
Lord, help me to keep vigilant watch over my temple.