Our Guide

Our kids have a way of surprising us on Christmas. This year after we had opened all the gifts, they pulled out one last one from behind the tree. Something from all of them to both me and Don. We couldn’t imagine what it was and never would have guessed it in a million years. It was a TomTom! A GPS system for little ole us, their travel-challenged parents :)

We had our first chance to use it on our way home from Kristin and Shawn’s this past weekend. Since they’ve just moved to a new city, we don’t have the route home mastered yet so the TomTom was just what we needed. As we waved goodbye and headed out, we hung on our new guide’s every word, giggling and murmuring amazement at the cool map and all the info now at our fingertips. The true test would be if we could actually follow her directions :)

When we reached a long stretch of interstate driving, our TomTom companion quieted down, and so did we. Don drove in silence as I worked on my journal of wedding planning notes. Now that the holidays had officially ended, it was once again time to try to wrap my mind around wedding details.

Engrossed in our respective tasks, we forgot about the TomTom — until much later, that is, when our new traveling companion spoke up and nearly scared us to death. We both jumped like we had been grabbed from behind and then followed that with a good laugh at ourselves.

When we reached Kelli’s town, we veered from the TomTom’s route to meet Kelli, Jake, and his family for a late lunch. We wondered if little Miss TomTom would try to correct us, and she immediately began giving faithful direction based on our wayward location. Of course, we were in familiar territory now and didn’t need directions, but we LOVED knowing that we would have help from now on when we take wrong turns or miss an exit.

As children of God, we have another Guide who stands ready to help us when we take wrong turns and have no idea what to do next. The Holy Spirit resides in every believer and faithfully speaks words of direction if we’ll only listen and heed the instruction and nudges He gives.

Like me and Don hanging on every word of our new TomTom, God wants us to listen for Him each step of the way. He longs to be our Guide. He wants us to turn to Him for wisdom long before we take wrong turns and find ourselves in desperate need of course correction. The true test will once again be if we actually follow the directions given. Anyone else up for the challenge? Anyone else ready for all the cool info He has in store for us?

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ Isaiah 30:21


  1. Perfect gift for you guys. Especially Don. :) Keith has a GPS which he likes but I haven’t used it. There have been a few times it has led us down the wrong road but other times has saved our bacon. One of the biggest challenges is not having faith in it’s instructions thinking you know better. Kind of like having faith in God and not second guessing him.

    Great gift kids.

  2. Like our GPS, no matter what detours and wrong turns we make, God is continually “recalculating” to direct us to Him.

    Enjoy your gift. We’ve had ours for a couple years and I can’t imagine not having it.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Love my GPS, although I throw it a curve ball frequently.

    Sure wish God’s GPS spoke up a little louder at times. But I’ll take his “voice” anyway it comes.

    Blessings to you as you continue in your planning.


  4. Hey Cheryl, thanks for commenting on my SCL post today! Glad you picked up on the animal parallels. I’m very skilled in tracking animals…okay not so much.

    Hope to see you around again sometime. Happy blogging!

  5. Great gift and great post! Love and hugs!

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