Midweek Morsel: When God’s Laws Are Being Broken


“It is time for you to act, O LORD; your law is being broken.” Psalm 119:126

Are you heartsick over how many in our nation—leaders included—have forsaken God’s righteous laws as revealed in his Word, The Holy Bible? Do you shake your head in disbelief over sinful attitudes and behaviors that many now support as acceptable or even admirable?

If so, please add the verse above to your prayer arsenal. When we see God’s laws being broken—whether in our lives, the lives of those we know and love, or in the wider populace of our nation—let’s go to God in prayer.

Let’s plead with God to act—to open eyes to the wrong being done, to correct, to bring about a return to his standards and his holy ways. Let’s ask him to act in his righteousness. It’s time.

“Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.” Psalm 119:136

*What are some effective ways to do battle prayer over the laws of God being broken?

*Flickr photo by Vinoth Chandar, Creative Commons License

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out Feb. 3rd. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!


  1. Laura Drumb says

    Use Scripture! This is how Jesus did battle & these words should be ours, committed to memory or looked up as needed & written down to encourage us during the day. I have so many favorites, it’s hard to list them all but when faced with a battle, the FIRST thing you need to do is arm yourself with God’s armor (Eph. 6:17). Everything else you do in prayer should be linked to this or you won’t be prepared for the attacks to come! Thanks for sharing this, powerful words!

  2. Rachel Davidson Skatvold says

    Thank you for this post, Cheryl. It is a great reminder that we need to pray for our country and leaders now more than ever. God bless.

  3. I hate to admit it, but I’ve never really taken in that verse, even though I know I’ve read it. Powerful reminder that our God is capable of handling justice. Thank you, Cheryl!

  4. Jennifer Dougan says

    Hi Cheryl,

    What a hard balance we believers have between knowing that God’s ways for doing things are best, and yet seeing that so many around us who don’t know him, so thus won’t act as followers of him, either. I like Romans 13’s reminders, and your Psalm, to pray for our leaders, and the reminders to defend the causes of the orphan and the widows ourselves too. Thanks for wrestling with these hard topics too.
    Jennifer Dougan

    • Thanks for mentioning orphans and widows and also Romans 13, Jennifer. Very important teaching there about submission to authorities and the debt we have to love one another. Thanks for the reminders!

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