Did you do your duty and vote on Tuesday? I hope so. But did you realize that duty is still calling? Yes, duty calls beyond the vote. We’ve got new marching orders now. Now it’s our job to faithfully pray for Barack Obama.
Because of some of Mr. Obama’s liberal policies and lack of experience in some areas, I’ll have to admit that I wish the election had gone the other way. I’m not panicked or distraught about it, though. As I read my Bible on Tuesday morning, the following verse just happened to be in the passage for that day: “With my great power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please.” (Jeremiah 27:5). God reminded me in that moment that He is in charge and would be fully able to use either candidate for His purposes.
Another verse gives me hope as well. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” What comfort in knowing that God can change the heart or course of action of our president. And if we think he is wrong on some issues? We can ask God to change his mind.
In fact, we already know that God wants us to pray for our president and others in authority. Renae shared the following passage in her guest post last week: “I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
Yes, duty is still calling. Are we in? Are we ready to obey God’s word? We can help our new president — we can help our nation — if we join together and faithfully pray.
Shortly after 9/11, The Presidential Prayer Team was launched in an effort to support our president and our nation in prayer. If you’re not already a member of this important team, I urge you to follow the link to their site and become a member. You’ll receive a weekly email with specific prayer requests for that week. Together, we can make a difference as we lift our leaders to God.
Have a blessed and hopeful week!
*Flickr photo by U.S. Army Alaska
Yes, we need to pray! I am so thankful for that one resource today, amidst a sea of varying emotions. I am so tired. Praying for a much needed rest tonight and fresher perspective tomorrow. Yes…God can change hearts. I’m praying he changes mine too as we enter into the fray of a new president!
Good point and so true.
Excellent post, Cheryl. Another good verse is Romans 13:1 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
Renae, thanks for giving us another timely verse to keep in mind. We may never personally know God’s reasons for allowing certain leaders to come into power, but it’s so good to be able to trust that He is always at work to draw people to Himself.
We must pray for our country, George Bush, and Barack Obama with intensity and fervor we had 09/12/2001. Now is not the time to stop praying. Thank you for your post.
This is a great post! I love Prov. 21:1. It really says it all for me. :)
Have a great day,
Prayer really is the key, isn’t it? Thanks for the tip about the Presidential Prayer Team. Wouldn’t it be something if President-Elect Obama were to receive a HUGE list of people who were praying for him?
beautifully stated..:))
New to your blog and I enjoyed reading this post. For many of us the elections didn’t go as prayed, voted or hoped for BUT God is on the throne and is STILL and always will be in charge and you are so right that “duty still calls” for us to pray – pray and pray for all the leaders who govern this nation and for the body of Christ and all who are still lost in sin. Prayer is a powerful privilege afforded to all of us as children of GOD through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Although I do not know you or your readers we are one in Christ and I’m honored to know we are on the same side of PRAYER. God bless you and I will return.