Midweek Morsel: A Winner Plus Lighthouse Thoughts


We have a “Back At It” Giveaway winner! The lucky recipient of the Barnes & Noble gift card is Kay! Congratulations, Kay! I’ll get it in the mail to you as soon as you send me your mailing address. Enjoy your new book—or whatever you choose at good ole B&N. Remember, they usually have chocolate near the check-out :)

For the rest of us, I have a food-for-thought quote about lighthouses and how we might be a lighthouse for someone in need. I read this recently in Lisa Wingate’s The Prayer Box. The character Iola is speaking. Let’s listen and see if she’s speaking to us:

“What does a lighthouse do? . . . It never moves. It cannot hike up its rocky skirt and dash into the ocean to rescue the foundering ship. It cannot calm the waters or clear the shoals. It can only cast light into darkness. It can only point the way. Yet through one lighthouse you guide many ships. Show this old lighthouse the way.”

“The light of the righteous shines brightly . . .” Proverbs 13:9a

*How can we shine light for others?

*Flickr photo by kaddisudhi, Creative Commons License

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