Exalting God

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

Every now and then, I like to look at a verse of scripture and focus on one tiny word. In the past, I’ve urged you to consider the words us and let in specific verses. Today, let’s turn our attention to the word will in the verse above.

Most often when we read Psalm 46:10, we focus on the first half of the verse. The last time I read it, however, the last two phrases jumped out at me—probably because of the way I read it. Take a moment and read it aloud and emphasize the word will both times it’s used.

This verse is not only a proclamation that God is God, but it’s a proclamation and a promise by God Himself that He will be exalted among the nations. And then, as if to emphasize the certainty of it, He repeats that He will be exalted in the earth. No question about it, no room for doubt. God is going to be exalted.

What a day that will be, huh? Sometimes we forget what’s on the horizon. We get discouraged and distressed by the godlessness that permeates so many aspects of our present day world, and we forget that God is God and that He will one day be seen by all for who He is. Yes, God will be exalted. He will be triumphant.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be among those who exalt Him now. I want to be among those who proclaim Him today, who give the world a taste of the glory that’s to come. Maybe in our doing so, some will come to know and exalt Him with us. Maybe some will become part of the promise today.

So how about it? Let’s do our part. Let’s exalt Him now!

“Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:3

*What can you exalt the Lord about today?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out tomorrow. Sign up is free and to the right!

*Don’t miss out on the “This One’s for the Girl’s Giveaway.” See post below!


  1. Amen and amen! I can exalt God today through including Him in my day, in the little things and the big ones. I plan on drinking some tea today so I will exalt Him by drinking a toast to Him and thanking Him for creating tea and for giving me the opportunity to enjoy it. Just one tiny example but if I exalt Him in the little things, I will in the big, too. Love this Cheryl! :0)

  2. Love the way you think, Robbie. Exalting God in the little things as well as the big — yes!

  3. Oh what a wonderful post. It is so very important to exalt him daily. I so agree we should exalt him in the little things as well as the big!Hope you have a blessed weekend and thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  4. what a lovely post!! I am thankful to Him for remaining by my side throughout each and every hardship!!!

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