Fall Wedding Bouquet Idea


Does your daughter need a fall wedding bouquet idea pronto, Mother of the Bride? Time is definitely running out to select flowers for a fall wedding, but maybe this idea will appeal to your bride-to-be daughter as soon as she sees it.

Why not add a few orange lilies and gold marigolds to some gorgeous orange, red, and yellow roses? These colors will coordinate with so many different fall colors your daughter may have chosen for her wedding, and the effect will be stunning.

The bridesmaids’ bouquets could be a smaller version of the bride’s bouquet—maybe featuring a few of the roses but minus the lilies and marigolds. Those could be reserved for the bride—a special touch to make her bouquet especially beautiful.

So suggest away, MOB—and enjoy a magnificent fall wedding!

*You might also like to read Fall Wedding Favor Idea: Caramel Apples!

*Flickr photo by FestivitiesMN, Creative Commons License

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