I could write about rejection today because I’ve experienced it two weeks in a row now (just part of the territory for a writer) — but we’re in the middle of a gorgeous spring weekend, and I just don’t have the heart for it. Today cries out for something more glorious than rejection. Today cries out for spring, for God.
I don’t know what it’s like everywhere else, but in our corner of the Midwest, the daffodils are blooming and the Bradford Pears are full of flowers. Spring has filled our little community with its delicate beauty. Color once again brightens our world. A person can’t help but smile.
There’s another side to spring in the Midwest, though, and it has shown itself this past week as well. Severe weather paid a few visits to some neighboring regions and left its calling cards scattered around — hail, flooding, tornadoes… Thankfully, nature’s fury skirted our area. We just had rain and were under a tornado watch only one day. A person can’t help but breath a sigh of relief.
On one hand, spring is graceful and beautiful and puts a song in our hearts. On the other, it can display a power and a force that makes us sit up and pay attention.
The Creator of it all is much the same. He is a gentle and loving Heavenly Father who tenderly ministers to our hurting hearts and graciously provides what we need at just the right moment. But He is also the all powerful and sovereign God who created our world and holds those forces of nature in the palm of His hand. A person can’t help but be in awe.
Yes, God is an amazing God who has given us a glorious world. What’s even more glorious is that He loves us and wants us to be His children. How I love Him, how I worship and adore Him! Praise Him with me, won’t you?
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Psalm 8:1
*Flickr photo by [Duncan], Creative Commons License
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