How many times have you experienced the blessing of a truly warm welcome? Don and I got to watch one as we helped Kristin and Shawn move into their new neighborhood during spring break, and I must tell you, we were amazed.
Neighbors from up and down their street popped over one after the other to introduce themselves and extend a hand of friendship to our kids. The warm welcome and spirit of unity and camaraderie displayed as these kind folks made an effort to get to know Kristin and Shawn immediately and assure them — and us in the process — that they were moving into a great neighborhood was indeed priceless.
I think I’m safe in saying that this just doesn’t happen that much anymore in today’s world, and what a blessing it was to watch it happen to Kristin and Shawn. What parent wouldn’t be thrilled to know that there are friendly, caring people living near their kids? And yes, I remember that my kids are grown adults who have been out on their own for several years now, but it still made me happy :) And I think it made Kristin and Shawn feel pretty happy as well.
After seeing the positive impact of such a warm welcome, I’d like to encourage us all — me included — to be ready to offer equally friendly welcomes to those in our own circles. I realize every neighborhood has its own personality and most won’t be like Kristin and Shawn’s (ours isn’t), but we can do our part to welcome newcomers there and in other areas of life as well.
For example, do we help others feel not only welcomed but included in relationships and groups through our workplaces or at church? Do we go out of our way to make sure they know a great community stands ready to support and befriend them?
Just think of the loving welcome Jesus extended to so many — the crowds, the little children, Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, the thief on the cross… Opportunities are all around us. Let’s not miss them. Let’s take the time for a loving touch. Let’s take the time for a warm welcome.
“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
*Flickr photo by briannaorg, Creative Commons License
The hand of friendship is a beautiful way we grace the world with God’s presence. Our neighbors have been very kind to us since moving in.
A gesture of friendship can have amazing effects!
My neighborhood isn’t like that either. I’m so happy for them..they’ve landed in a rare treasure! : )
Wow! That’s quite a welcome!!
It’s a good reminder that in reality it doesn’t take that much of an effort to go out of our way to welcome others and the impact it can have on them is remarkable!
(Of course Elaine said it far more eloquently than I did!)
Happy Friday,
Great reminder Cheryl. Thanks!
What a wonderful feeling that must have been for them. I know that when a new neighbor moves in on our block I always try to walk over and take a crockpot full of slopping joes and fixins to help them through the first day or so.