
  1. Wonderful article Cheryl. Very timely for me and also for some dear friends who are going through some rough times. I think of you (And pray for you) so often. Wish we could talk.

    • Thanks so much, Judy — so glad this post came at the right time for you! And thanks so very much for your prayers. Means the world to know someone who knows firsthand this journey I’m on is praying for me. Maybe sometime later this fall (this month is pretty busy), you and Kristi and I could meet somewhere for lunch and have a good visit. Still praying for you too!

  2. Phyllis Bell says

    Always such refreshing words of encouragement. I think of the scripture that tells us to cast all our cares and concerns on Him because He cares for us. It comes down to learning to trust. He cares and understands.

    • Phyllis, thank YOU for your encouraging words too. So appreciate you reminding us of the scripture telling us to cast our cares on the Lord for he cares for us. What comfort in that!

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